Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How They Voted

Tattler Featurette
Bike Lanes On Horton Street For Safety?

At the Tattler, we've noticed the city council and other deliberative bodies in Emeryville make controversial votes that get forgotten by the residents over time. In deference to the general edification of public policy and to strengthen Emeryville's democratic institutions, we will publish occasional short reminders on how the Power Elite in town have voted on these controversial issues.

On November 17th, 2009, the issue before the Transportation Committee was:

Should the unanimous vote of the Bike/Pedestrian Committee to uphold the Bike Plan by installing bike lanes on (the southern part of) Horton Street be obeyed?

Nora Davis - NO
Ken Bukowski - NO

Note: The Transportation Committee is comprised of only these two council members. Bicycle advocates are still waiting for the bike lanes, since the council has not ruled on this yet.

1 comment:

  1. Anybody surprised at this? It's always the same two names...I'll tell you, November 2011 can't come soon enough.
