Thursday, September 23, 2010

District Desperation, School Plans on Life Support

Unconfirmed reports suggest that Emeryville's school district and city administrators have fired up a boiler-room operation of telemarketers, in an attempt to counteract a scathing column and story in local papers highly critical of the district's $95 million bond sale to build a new school campus.
The pieces, published in the Oakland Tribune and its affiliated papers including the Contra Costa Times, urged Emeryville voters to take a long hard look if not outright reject the bond measure due to its exorbitant and unknown costs. Respected columnist
Daniel Borenstein noted that Emeryville taxpayers will likely be stuck paying Wall Street investors $383 million by the time they are finished paying back all the interest. The amount could even be higher depending on where rates stand when the various series of bonds are sold.
Numerous residents have contacted the Tattler, saying that they have received the call in recent days.
Apparently, the district has descended into panic mode, hiring teams of callers to interrupt the dinners of local voters, in an effort to gauge the damage the stories have inflicted on their campaign.
Our schools need real investment, but not if three quarters of what taxpayers will be shelling out goes to Wall Street fat cats rather than our own children.


  1. I don't know anyone who respects Dan Borenstein.

    A phone bank is a standard part of a campaign. You'd be stupid to runa campaign without one. Don't be so over-dramatic.

  2. The interest on the bonds doesn't necessarily go to "Wall Street fat cats." It goes to the bond holders. That can be people like you and me and our retirement accounts.

  3. Just take a look at how much money comes out of the general funds to cover the interest alone on bonds generated for the redevelopment agency. We need to invest in our education system and the local schools, but let's see the local corporations step up and help support the future of Emeryville. They have had so much from this town and have given so little in relation to what they have received and continue to receive.

  4. If any of you commenters with qualms about or disagreements with Measure J would like to interview for the Oakland Tribune's story about the measure, please give me a call or an e-mail. I'm the Tribune reporter covering the issue, and you can reach me at or 510-208-6430.

    Sean Maher
