Friday, October 15, 2010

Corporate Interests Back Measure J

Measure J Backed By Corporate, Construction Interests
The campaign for Measure J is almost exclusively backed by corporations hoping to feed at the public trough and cash in to the tune of millions of dollars if the $95 million bond is passed the Tattler has learned.
In an 11 day late filling, the committee for Measure J, Building Emeryville Schools Together (BEST) revealed the extent of the corporate largess; $24,575 for the period ending on September 30. Of that amount $23,975 is from corporations in the construction trades, legal and bond financing fields. The $600 difference is donated from two individuals.

A spokesman for BEST indicated that as of last week, another approximate $25,000 had been donated.

The corporations wishing to secure contracts associated with the construction brought by the Measure J funds, that have donated to BEST are mostly out-of-town large building firms. The labor union, Sheet Metal Workers International also took a gambit with a $5000 donation. The sole Emeryville firm, Caldwell Flores Winters Inc, hoping to secure the lucrative financing contract for the bond, kicked in for $8000; a paltry sum if Emeryville voters pass the measure.

The city released the State mandated election form 430 from BEST at 6:00 PM on Friday, 11 days late.

Some residents have cried foul for the late filing, coming well after the crush of absentee ballots were mailed. Those residents that have already voted were not able to review the donor lists before they cast their ballots, a diminution of the democratic process. BEST offered no explanation for the late filing but the Fair Political Practices Committee has indicated it routinely fines political committees for filing late.

The Tattler will report on the BEST financing as the city releases the required public documents.


  1. It is one thing to force union labor on hotel chains as this doesn't really affect us. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, we will now have to pay dearly for this pig. The construction of this monstrosity will be completed nearly with all unionized workers, at prevailing wages of course. That means wages of about $70 an hour for those journeymen sheet metal workers. Hooray for them, but I bet you would not hire the likes for your own home. Just joking, once this passes, you will be mortgaging your property for the next 40 years to pay for the ego's of others.

  2. Jeeze, this is predictable. Typical corporate greed.
