Friday, January 7, 2011

Public Asked To Comment On New Superintendent

Monday Night Residents Can Provide 
Testimony About New Schools Chief

It takes a town to select a school superintendent.  Or at least it should.  Since voters passed the nearly $400 million school rebuild Measure J last November, now it becomes imperative to do whatever is necessary to protect that investment.  One way to protect it is to make sure the School Board doesn't blow it again with the selection process for finding a new superintendent.

A good superintendent is very important for setting a tone in which real education can happen at a school district.  Now that current chief John Sugiyama is retiring, the search is on to find a permanent replacement.  After the School Board unilaterally muffed the selection process by picking Steven Wesley for superintendent a few years ago, this time the public is going to get a chance to have their say.  We have to make sure our investment in our schools is not shredded as it could be with a bad pick.  Remember, this is important for the whole community, not just parents; after all this investment will be borne by all.
Public comment will be taken at the Emery Theater at the High School on San Pablo Avenue.  Please enter through the parking lot just to the north of the administration building at 4727 San Pablo Avenue.  Follow the signs.

  • Emery Theater at the High School 
  • January 10th (this Monday night)
  • 5-6 PM

1 comment:

  1. As long as he has the qualifications of "Dr." Steve Westly, the record of "Dr." J.L. Handy, and the ethics of John LaCoste, I'm sure the School Board will hire him.
