Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tattler Draws Anonymous Criticism Against City Hall & Tattler

Why The Tattler Solicits Anonymous Comments

Since its inception, the Tattler has been taken to task for allowing anonymous comments at the end of each story.  Some have questioned the value of an anonymous comment.  Does it really have any value?  We debated this among ourselves at the onset and decided that it is better to allow this and reap more public comment than to force commentors to reveal their identity and garner fewer comments.  We feel this is appropriate because Emeryville City Hall is notorious in its culture of prohibition against dissenters, council member Nora Davis being the chief progenitor.  There is a palpable fear of Ms Davis among people who would participate in governance at the citizen committee, commission and task force level.  We feel these people and others who may also feel intimidated for any reason, should be given a chance to comment freely.
Readers may note that for all the anonymous comments posted against City Hall and its supporters, many anonymous comments are frequently leveled against the Tattler.  We take this as a vindication of the value of allowing anonymous comments.  That being said, we encourage commentors to identify themselves.  While an anonymous comment does have value, a comment made by a self identified author has that much more value.


  1. I think it's sad that people fear retaliation for
    posting comments here and putting their names to them, as though they were being monitored by the Gestapo. We're free to speak our minds in this country, and stand up for what we say. If we don't use it we lose it.
    Joe Cohen

  2. I don't fear Councilmember Davis or the rest of the Council, but I do fear Brian and his malicious attacks. That is why I comment anonymously. At least you do see the value of public debate (although, how public an anonymous debate truly is, is debatable.) Now if we could keep that debate civil and really try to understand one another without attacking each other, we could have a truly public discourse and we might really be able to get somewhere productive and create positive change.

  3. To the above commentor-
    Council member Davis can harm you if you aspire to have any official connection to the power elite in Emeryville as I noted in the story. So in fact if you do have such aspirations, it would be wise to fear Nora Davis. How, on the other hand, is it wise to fear me?

  4. you can change your policy by publishing comments "name withheld by request" as long as names and addresses are given when submitted to the tattler. most anonymous comments are directed to the tattler and its editor, not constructive criticism of city hall. if a person is too afraid to sign his/her name, and/or is on the city hall payroll, don't print it.

  5. All hail the infallible judgment and wise counsel of President-For-Life Davis! May her great and glorious rule, reign 1,000 years. May her Greek Fisherman's cap preside over our prosperous future, amen.

  6. And her fingerless gloves. Hallelujah and Selah.

  7. As an employee of the school district, I understand all too well that there will be retaliation for my comments here. I have made the mistake of speaking my mind a few times, and almost lost my job.

  8. FYI to Joe Cohen, that freedom of speech that you talk about, does not include freedom from reprisal for exercising that speech, just look at Bradley Manning, Julian Assange or anyone daring to question, let alone call out the corrupt apparatchiks and despotic rulers of Emeryville.

  9. A coward dies a thousand deaths.
    Joe Cohen

  10. I'd say you are a coward then, Mr. thousand deaths, you walk and talk like one. All bullshit.

  11. Why is the above commenter hiding in secrecy? Is he ashamed?

    Joe Cohen

  12. To the anonymous commentor on July 20th-
    I should not have permitted your comment to be posted because it is a personal attack. Personal attacks like this are unacceptable here. Apologies to Mr Cohen.
