Monday, October 24, 2011

League of Woman Voters Candidates Debate

League of Woman Voters Sponsored 
Candidates Debate Wednesday Night 7:30 PM City Hall 

The premier Emeryville candidates debate will be held Wednesday night October 26 at 7:30 pm in the council chambers at City Hall, 1333 Park Avenue.
The League of Woman Voters is sponsoring the event and the debate will be moderated by League member Lessly Wikle.  The debate will be cable cast (channel 27) and taped by ETV and will run one hour.  Citizens will be allowed to ask questions in writing and the League will review for relevancy and the moderator will pose the questions to the candidates.

All citizens are encouraged to attend and ask questions of the candidates.


  1. Is this going to be streamed by Emeryville as well, for those of us who have computers but not cable TV?

  2. Yes, it will be streamed live on the city's website and also it will be streamed on the website every time it is re-played on ETV.

  3. I think the meeting should be for TWO HOURS. One Hour is not enough time.

    This will also be broadcast repeatedly on ETV until election day.

    I think the public should be allowed to call in and ask questions, while we are broadcasting..?

    This would make it more interesting and attract a larger TV Audience.

    In the future we should equip City Hall to have a call in program so everyone could hear the caller's voice when the questions are asked.

  4. Can you please post replay times? Among others, there is some interest at the Tribune about watching it on replay. While the Tattler is renowned for its "white glove," courteous reporting style, it would be nice to give the _other_ press a stab at some Emeryville reporting too.
