Wednesday, October 26, 2011

School District Might Not Meet Its Financial Obligations

Not Again:
Emery Unified School District May Not Meet Its Financial Obligations

Just after the Emery School District finally pulled itself out of State receivership and seemed to be on better fiscal footing, the California Department of Education now says Emery is once again a bad bet.  The Department released its first interim status report for fiscal year 2010-11 and Emery School District is on the list of "qualified certifications",  those districts that have been red flagged for internal financial problems such that its financial obligations might not be met.  Emery Unified joins 96 other school districts statewide on the watch list, nearly 10% of the total school districts in California.  
Last November's Measure J Emeryville school bond vote provides funds for building a new school and those monies are off limits for operational expenses.
The State looked at school districts forward through fiscal year 2013 for the watch list.
In California there are 977 school districts made up of 560 Elementary districts, 87 High School districts, 330 Unified districts.   

For the report, click here: State Interim Status Report


  1. In particular, Measure J and it supporters on the ballot (notably, Ruth Atkin, promised that no bond money would be spent on admin salaries. How's that working out - SHOULD be construction costs only - what's up with Hayin Kim's interns who is paying for that?

  2. I wrote a piece on this issue at this link:

    If you are a concerned resident, we need to move on this fast since it is only two weeks until the election. In particular, I would like to see the Emery Bay Village residents speak out, and see Anna Yates PTO and parents get involved in saving Anna Yates and getting fiscal responsibility - not cookies and soothing meetings and internships - from the School District.

  3. measure j, after a 2004 opinion by the state attorney general.

  4. more info pls Shirley so I can research it ... before I speak I want to make sure that what I heard is not just rumors ... that they put that language in the Measure J knowing that it was unenforceable ... if that is true ... I have some comments to make.

  5. you may contact ms. hayin kim and request copies of the minutes of all citizens oversight committee meetings since its inception in march, 2011 since these are public record, or you can contact me via email through brian donahue.

  6. Thanks Shirley, I emailed Hayin last night. I downloaded the packet for the second COC meeting for the website hoping that the minutes for the first meeting would be included, but they weren't.

  7. No one can be really surprised. The info is out there. Our kids talk about the waste that goes on at the district. Either we as a community mobilize or more of the same shall continue at the children and tax payer expense.
