Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bay Street Mall Protest

From an edited re-print of the Washington Post:

Occupy protesters take message about corporate greed to Black Friday shoppers around Calif.

In Emeryville, a small city on San Francisco Bay that has been transformed from a manufacturing area to a shopping destination, more than 60 people attended a Native American community’s 10th annual Black Friday protest of the Bay Street Mall.
Corrina Gould, a lead organizer for Indian People Organizing for Change, said the goal is to educate shoppers that the mall was built in 2002 on a sacred Ohlone burial site.
About one-third of the people at Friday’s protest came from neighboring Oakland’s Occupy movement, and Gould said having the new voices was invigorating.
Jesse Smith, an Occupy Oakland protester, passed out fliers encouraging mall shoppers to instead support local businesses in downtown Oakland to help “keep them in the black.”
Williams reported from Sacramento. Associated Press Writer Terry Collins contributed reporting from Emeryville.

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