Sunday, November 13, 2011

Final Election Results

Election 2011:
Nora Davis Drops To Last Place

Emeryville council member Nora Davis has dropped from second to last place in the final unofficial tally from the Alameda County Registrar of Voters for the 2011 city council election.  The County showed council member Ruth Atkin trailing Ms Davis in all earlier published results from the November 8th plebiscite.  The Registrar says this final tabulation will move forward to be certified and made official.

Here are the final results from the 2011 city council election:

  1. Jacqueline Asher        924          27.80%
  2. Ruth Atkin                 839          25.24%
  3. Nora Davis                 822          24.73%
          Ken Bukowski            408          12.27%
          Michael Webber         331           9.96%


  1. Still twice as many votes as Bukowski...'nuff said.

  2. What a headline. You call it news? I call it vitriol from a sore loser.

  3. Well, it in fact is news. Ms Davis came in last and that presumably will effect her standing on the council. She has been weakened by this drop even if she may deny it. Believe it or not, citizen's votes still do matter at City Hall. Elections do have consequences.
    The "losers" were Ken Bukowski and Michael Webber.

  4. You must be kidding yourself! The number of votes will make no difference. Nora Davis is currently the most powerful politician on the Council and will remain so throughout this term as long as She can stay healthy.

  5. I'm not convinced that Nora Davis remains the most powerful council member. I think with the election of Jac Asher, it is now Ruth Atkin in that position. Ruth is the swing vote between two progressives and two conservatives. Nora (and Kurt Brinkman) represents the interests of an increasingly shrinking constituency: the right wing/Chamber of Commerce. The trajectory is now very clear: the Nora Davis pro-business coalition is not what it used to be.

  6. OBTW- Good use of the capitalization on she. When referring to Nora Davis perhaps we should all use the capital S as in She.

  7. Good analysis Brian. Although "right wing" is perhaps the worst thing you can call someone in Emeryville, which I like to think of as Berkeley's kid brother.

  8. Wow - Nora Davis is supported by less than 25 percent of the people who voted in the election. Her support is thinner than an oil slick on San Francisco Bay.

  9. The percentages are the percent of the total votes (each person got to vote for up to three Councilmembers) not the percentage of the voters who voted for each person. 59.8% of the people who voted in the election voted for Nora Davis.

  10. The Nora Davis supporters can try to spin this in anyway they want but what cannot be denied is that their candidate came in last place. There's only one person who can occupy last place and that's Nora Davis. Sorry about that guys, Nora is the most unpopular city council member.

  11. It doesn't seem like the 11:10 particularly came from a supporter of Nora Davis, just someone who is interested in having the truth published. That's not spin, it's math.

  12. The real winner in this election is the chamber of commerce. whever they apply the money, the victory follows.They send out a hit piece in every election, and they control. Jac took all those contributions, she has to do something for them. It wasstrange to see Nora Davis endorse Jac. They are much closer than I would have guessed. Now we can watch Davis target another council member to continue the reign of power. She always attacks one of the members. She must have someone to go after.

  13. The Chamber of Commerce targeted Greg Harper, John Fricke and Jennifer West. The Chamber lost all those fights. Re: giving money to Jac Asher...Ms Asher is free to do as she likes. She is not compelled to vote the Chamber's way.

  14. From what I understand, EMPAC, the pac run by the Chamber of Commerce, refused to fund or run a negative campaign. The Committee that sent out the "hit piece" against Ken was actually formed and chaired by another Council Member, Kurt Brinkman, and received sizeable contributions directly from Wareham Development and Madison Marquette.

    But I agree that the Chamber of Commerce (and add labor unions to that) have a lot of weight during election season since, as this past campaign season proves, candidates who spend more generally get more votes.

    I disagree that accepting donations doesn't somehow influence approachability and sway decisions. We are only human after all, and gratitude is a normal and subconscious human impulse. Jesse Unhruh said "Money is the mother's milk of politics." (He said something else as well, which supports Brian's opposing contention, but that quote is unfit for publication in this PG rated blog.)

    I do agree that in the PARTICULAR case of Jaq Asher, she is not going to be swayed, if only because she laid such a groundwork of consensus that she got donations from every opposing side except our rumored but probably non-existent Emeryville gun lobby. Ergo, any influence cancels itself out. Bravo!

  15. I think it's important that everyone knows that Jac Asher took money from developers. That knowledge, well disseminated, will only help as we move forward with formulating public policy over the next four years. It's going to drive Ms Asher to better transparency and accountability.

  16. "Nora drops to last place AMONGST WINNERS." Your headline is both inaccurate and reflects poor journalism. I applaud that recent articles have been more informative and professional than the days of tabloid-like dental jokes. But this headline does not reflect those higher standards. What's more, a difference of 39 votes hardly warrants a headline at all,and certainly will not change political realities in town.

  17. To Ms Anonymous 11:25-

    "Amongst Winners" yes, that's one way to spin it...How about if the headline read "Nora Davis Places Third Out Of 10,058"? Or how about "Super Popular, Nora Davis In Top .00001% Of Eligible Emeryville Citizens"?

    BTW, Ms Anonymous, your comments have been getting increasingly less cogent. You used to make some pretty good points...what happened?

  18. I think you confusing that Anonymous (11:25) with other anonymous commenters who also value reason and truth over sensationalism. Legio mihi nomen est, quia multi sumus.

  19. Hey Brian - appreciate what you do here, but I'm going to continue to request that you stop imposing a gender on respondents. I am a resident that i beleive you have and intend to continue to fight hard for and see us as allies and part of a community, but please, please listen to my request. Thanks!
