Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Residents Invited To Use RULE's Cache To Their Advantage

The Emeryville resident advocacy group known as Residents United for a Livable Emeryville (RULE) continues to set a new agenda for 2012 and is inviting all residents (except active council members unless they're specifically invited) to join in helping shape our town.  RULE has built up considerable leverage over the last couple of years, helping elect two new council members, Jennifer West and Jac Asher. Now the group is working on set a new suite of goals to help make the city more livable for the residents. Residents that have specific ideas about how to move Emeryville forward would be advised to put the collective bargaining power of RULE at their disposal rather than going solo before the city council. 
Reprinted from a recent RULE announcement:
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Last meeting RULE had a lively discussion about the future of Emeryville without a Redevelopment Agency.  Mayor Jennifer West was our guest speaker and shared with us her insights into this complex issue.  At the next meeting, we will be looking at the list of projects that have had funds committed or promised from the Redevelopment Agency.  Some will go on the chopping block.  How will we make our priorities known?  If you want to have a voice, there is no better place than at our monthly meeting with your neighbors and friends, all of whom are interested in the future of our city.  

Residents United for a Livable Emeryville
Saturday, February 4, 11:00 - 1:00
Doyle St. Cohousing common room , 1st floor
5514 Doyle St., across from the Doyle St. 

Breakfast snacks (pick up something on the way) Coffee, tea 

We'd love to meet you!

Questions and agenda items, please contact me.  

Judy Timmel, Meeting Coordinator 601-6521

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