Monday, January 9, 2012

RULE Sets New Agenda Sunday, Public Invited

The Emeryville resident advocacy group known as Residents United for a Livable Emeryville (RULE) prepares to set a new agenda for 2012 and is inviting all residents (except active council members unless they're specifically invited) to join in helping shape our town.  RULE has had an exceptional last couple of years, helping elect two new council members, Jennifer West and Jac Asher after vetting them, recognizing their pro-resident philosophies and working for their respective campaigns.  In the wake of the election of Ms Asher, the group is ready to set a new suite of goals to help make the city more livable for the residents.  The group held a town hall meeting last year and is expected to use responses from the attendees to help shape the new agenda.  New ideas will be solicited at Sunday's meeting to add to the list culled from the town hall meeting.
Reprinted from a RULE announcement:

Hello, Residents of Emeryville;  Have you been meaning to get more involved in your community?  Here is your first opportunity of 2012..... 

Residents United for a Livable Emeryville, a group of concerned, active residents is working to make Emeryville a livable community responsive to residents.  Won't you join us?

Next meeting:

Sunday, January 15th, 10:00 - 12:00
Doyle St. Cohousing common room, 1st floor
5514 Doyle St., Emeryville

Breakfast snacks(please bring some), coffee and tea 
Meet some neighbors...make a difference in our city!

Questions, and agenda items to suggest...please contact me via return email ( or call, 601-6521

Judy Timmel, Meeting Coordinator

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