Thursday, February 9, 2012

Letter To The Tattler: Sam Kang

The following letter was submitted by Emeryville resident Sam Kang, recently considered for a Planning Commission appointment.  Mr Kang is an attorney for Greenlining, an advocacy group for small business and low income residents in matters of housing and other concerns.

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Dear Emeryville Community,

My name is Sam and I'm an Emeryville resident. Three years ago, my wife and I were lucky enough to buy a home in this great city. We wanted to find a place with friendly neighbors, a diverse community, and a little charm. We considered ourselves blessed when we found such a place in Emeryville. What I didn't anticipate was how much people loved living in this city.

A few weeks ago, Mayor West encouraged me to apply for a seat on the Emeryville Planning Commission. I was flattered that our city's mayor had heard about me. It wasn't long before many of you not only encouraged me to apply, but advocated directly on my behalf. I applied not knowing if I was the best candidate. But I was inspired that so many of you thought I was.
At [Tuesday night's] city council meeting, the council members voted that another candidate was a better fit for the vacant seat - Sean Moss, a planner and an involved Emeryville citizen. Sean is very qualified to take on this challenge and I believe he's going to do a great job. Besides the pleasure of getting to know Sean better, I had an incredible time getting to know all of you better.

Throughout my application process, I had the opportunity to listen to many of you and hear your thoughts about the planning commission. But I encountered much more than that. I was astonished by how much everyday residents knew about the city, both its beauty and its faults. But even with all of its imperfections, your instinct was not to leave Emeryville or become apathetic, but make it your lifelong commitment to make it better. You see Emeryville not just for what it is (which is pretty terrific), but what it can become. Your desire to create a more perfect Emeryville was not just a wish. It was a commitment. You are willing to do everything in your waking hours to realize a better Emeryville. Such faithful commitment can only be described by one word - love.

Your love for this city is palpable and you made me feel it. You made me feel welcomed into the community and your support has instilled in me a love for this city. For some reason, many of you (some who I've never even met) advocated on my behalf for planning commissioner. It was humbling that you saw my candidacy as the vehicle to realize a better Emeryville. 

So this Valentine's Day, I want to reflect and thank you for making me fall in love with Emeryville. This is a great city because of you and your commitment to make it better. In the weeks and months ahead, I would welcome your advice and counsel on how I can help.

In the mean time, my wife and I are going to spend a quiet Valentine's Day together. We haven't nailed down all the specifics yet, but don't be surprised if you see us having a quiet dinner in the city that we love.

With much love,
Sam Kang

1 comment:

  1. let's see: i highly recommend the townhouse, bucci's or summer summer. and for a predinner cocktail, you can try the honor bar although i found it too noisy, too dark and not enough chairs!
