Friday, February 17, 2012

RULE Hosts Meeting: Getting Progressives Appointed

From RULE:
Residents United for a Livable Emeryville

R.U.L.E.  Monthly Meeting:
Saturday, Feb. 25, 11:00 - 1:00
Doyle St. Community Room, 5514 Doyle St., First Floor

AT this meeting we have 2 interesting activities planned. 

1.  We will prepare for the Visioning Workshop (Feb. 28 at 5:30) by developing RULE's priority list of projects formally funded by the Redevelopment Agency.

2.  We will have the opportunity to meet Riana Robinson of the Boards & Commissions Leadership Institute (BCLI). It's a program that recruits and prepares progressive leaders for appointments to city, county and regional boards.  Sam Kang, a RULE supporter and applicant for Planning Commissioner, turned us on to this agency, and highly recommends it to us. The program is run out of Urban Habitat, and the program has been incredibly successful and has been getting national attention.  Riana would like to learn how BCLI can be more supportive of progressive efforts in Emeryville. 

Come and meet some of your progressive neighbors in Emeryville!
Coffee, tea and breakfast snacks (bring some!) served
For more information email me or call 601-6521  
Judy Timmel, Meeting Coordinator

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