Sunday, February 26, 2012

'Visioning' Workshop To Be Held

From the City of Emeryville:

Special City Council Meeting: Visioning Workshop

What are the challenges and opportunities in achieving the City's vision?

How does the elimination of the City's Redevelopment Agency impact the community?

What should be the City's priorities over the next five years?

In the past couple of years, the Emeryville community has adopted a new General Plan and related plans, such as the Climate Action Plan and Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan to frame the City's vision for the next 10-20 years. Now is the time for the City Council and community to come together to prioritize what are the most important projects, programs, and initiatives to be accomplished in the next five years- in the context that the State's elimination of redevelopment will make realizing the community's vision more challenging. The City's 2012-13 and 2013-14 operating budget and capital improvement (CIP) budget will incorporate the priorities set through this facilitated workshop-with the City Council conducting a final review of the operating budget (programs and initiatives) for adoption in late May/early June. The proposed CIP budget (construction projects, such as parks and  pedestrian/bicycle improvements) will be adopted later. 
Visioning Workshop
Tuesday, February 28, 2012: 5:30-8pm.  
Emeryville Civic Center: 1333 Park Avenue

Sandwiches, beverages and snacks will be provided as well as childcare for children 5+ years old. For more information, contact the City Clerk's Office.

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