Tuesday, March 20, 2012

RULE Meeting

From Residents United for a Livable Emeryville:

Hello RULE members and supporters;  We would like to invite you to attend our next meeting.  It's a great way to meet your progressive neighbors and to get things done in Emeryville that are pro-residents.  

Saturday, March 24....11:00 - 1:00
Doyle St. Cohousing community room
5514 Doyle St., First Floor

Coffee and tea provided;  breakfast treats are pot luck

Main topic of discussion:  The Center of Community Life- new information about it makes it a RULE centric issue...we may want to take a highly visible, leadership role.

Also on the agenda will be a continuation of the topic:  elections in Emeryville, should we eliminate off-year elections as a way to increase voter participation?

Esoteric Arcanery: We will continue our discussion about the definition of the Steering Committee within RULE.  Who is on it, what does one have to do to get on it?

Other topics are welcome, as we do have some time on this agenda for additional items..let me know what you want to talk about!

See you there!  Call me at 601-6521 for more information or respond to this email.  Thanks, Judy Timmel, Meeting Coordinator

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