Sunday, March 25, 2012

Should Anna Yates Elementary School Be Closed?

Tattler Reader Poll

The Emery Unified School District and City Hall want to close down Anna Yates Elementary School and move all the children over to the Emeryville Center of Community Life and its proposed Kindergarten through 12th grade single school campus.
Detractors say the taxpayers only just completed a nearly $9 million remodel of the existing school and that Anna Yates is a wonderful asset that shouldn't be shut down.

Tattler readers can vote for themselves.  On the right hand side bar is a new Tattler feature; an informal reader's poll.  Please feel free to cast your vote on this contentious school closing scheme.  This poll will be up for two weeks.


  1. You poll is inherently biased by the language you've used. "Detractors say..." What do supporters say? You present arguments against and no arguments for. The school wouldn't be "shut down." It would be relocated to the Center of Community Life. Language like that biases results.

    1. It's impossible to present truly objective language.
      Having said that, supporters say the school should be shut down obviously. Supporters are the ones in the drivers seat in this case and the detractors are dissenters. Anna Yates Elementary School will be shut will no longer exist. Only the Center of Community Life will exist. The Anna Yates site will be used for some other purpose that the School Board has not informed the public about.

      The bias that matters with regards to the shutting down of Anna Yates Elementary School is that taken up by the supporters present in all the information dissemination emanating from the official channels. The total information about the fate of Anna Yates is extremely lopsided in favor of shutting it down.

    2. The argument for shutting down the school is all the benefits that can be had from moving the children onto one school campus. How do I know this is a benefit? That's what the supporters of the K-12 campus say.

  2. They're being biased so I can too.

    Real mature.

  3. There is no poll on the mobile site and I don't have a computer, so I can't vote.

    1. Try scrolling down to the bottom and clicking the link that shows the site as it appears on the web. You'll have to expand the image a lot probably.
      It works on my mobile device.
