Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Job Opening In City Of Atherton: Emeryville City Manager Encouraged To Apply

The City of Atherton California, located on the peninsula halfway between San Francisco and San Jose and home to "some of the most beautiful estates in the country"  has announced it is seeking a new city manager.
Atherton, primarily a bedroom community is notable with 96% of its homes valued at a million dollars or higher.  The city boasts a high percentage of Republicans and includes eBay CEO Meg Whitman among its notable denizens.
The expectations of the populace in Atherton and the culture at the city hall there would likely dovetail nicely with the policy preferences of Emeryville's own city manager Pat O'Keeffe and the Tattler would like to extend to Mr O'Keeffe this invitation to apply for the prestigious Atherton city manager position.
Pat, we think you'd do very well in this position and the pay scale would probably be an improvement over  Emeryville; we think you should check it out.  We'll give you a glowing recommendation if it will help you get the job.   Good luck.

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