Thursday, May 10, 2012

President Resigns From School Board

Breaking News:
School Board's Cheryl Webb: "It's Time For Me To Move On"

School Board President, Cheryl Webb announced she is stepping down as a Board member effective today the Tattler has learned.  Ms Webb, appointed to the Board eleven years ago, notified Alameda County Schools Superintendent Sheila Jordan late yesterday and her colleagues on the City/Schools Committee by e-mail that her time is over.

Former School Board President
Cheryl Webb
Ms Webb seemed guarded in her responses to questions from the Tattler indicating curtly it's time for her to move on, "I see myself as a public servant but I feel it's time to pass the baton to someone else for them to have this opportunity"  she said.   She added she wants "nothing but the best" for the School District and for Emeryville as she steps down, and she indicated the Board should appoint someone "diligent to the multi-faceted work" to replace her.  There is a year and a half left to Ms Webb's tenure, giving a replacement that much time before an election.

A long time Emeryville resident with children in Emery schools, Cheryl Webb noted she always "fully supported teachers" during her eleven year tenure on the Board and added, "My record speaks for itself in this regard."

Looking forward, Ms Webb found reasons for optimism for Emery Unified School District, "The Board has committed to a more open and transparent process for making key decisions.  I look forward to that happening" she said.

Ms Webb will "still be an active citizen and part of the dialogue" in Emeryville but "not from the perceptive of the School Board dais" she said as she steps down.


  1. Rats leaving a sinking ship? Must be a subpoena about to drop.

  2. Hardly surprising. She was the only one who seemed to actually care about the school, and not her political career.

    Also, her son graduates this year, there's nothing in it for her anymore.

  3. Cheryl Webb stating that she's looking forward to the School Board being more open and transparent is insulting. It's a slap in the face to every person who asked for that during the ELEVEN YEARS she was on the board. At least she acknowledged what they haven’t been. Her resignation shouldn’t surprise anyone. The tide has changed. We’re no longer willing to accept shadowy answers and puppets as leaders. And to the other members of the Emery USD School Board: forget the shape shifting act. It doesn’t matter how much you change face between now and the next election. When I vote, I’m not going to forget the damage you’ve done to countless students who received a poor education during the years that you refused to have the right conversations. Instead you CHOSE to protect ECCL at all costs even if it meant sacrificing transparency and their education. What a shame.

  4. I would like to thank Cheryl for her 11 years of unpaid service in a thankless position few are willing to take on. All of Cheryl's sons have been my students, and her youngest is currently a 10th grader at Emery Secondary School. Cheryl has been a tireless advocate for students, parents, and teachers, and her independent voice will be sorely missed on the school board. She has quietly worked for fiscal solvency and discipline in EUSD, as well as advocating for greater openness and transparency in the workings of the school board. Her selfless dedication to the education of Emeryville's children has been exceptional.

  5. Cheryl Webb has been most supportive of Emeryville schools over a long period of time. Her kids went through the same school system. Her youngest is still in it. She lived what she talked regarding the Emeryville schools. So, good for Cheryl!
