Sunday, June 24, 2012

Monday Night, School Board To Answer About Closure Of Elementary School

School Board Finally Talks

After first denying an audience, the Emery School Board has agreed to openly discuss the demands of signers to a city-wide letter about the closure of the elementary school and other concerns at the regularly scheduled School Board meeting at 6:00 PM Monday.
The letter, sent to Emeryville residents last month and signed by some 70 people, challenges the School Board to not close Anna Yates Elementary School and to inform the citizenry as to the Board's intention as to the fate of the (elementary school) and the Ralph Hawley Middle School site.  The letter also seeks to force the Board to tell the people how they intend to maintain an operating budget for the Center of Community Life.

School Board Meeting
Monday 6:00 PM
Emery Theater
4727 San Pablo Avenue

The Board is intent on closing the elementary school on 41st Street and pushing the children onto the San Pablo Avenue campus at the Center of Community Life to be shared with the high school students.  Despite years of citizen inquiry, the Board has not revealed what they intend on doing with the two soon to be "surplus" properties.  Some residents have expressed alarm that the School District plans on selling the properties off to private developers as the Tattler reported last week.

The Emery Theater is on the High School campus behind the parking lot on San Pablo Avenue near 53rd Street.  Walk through the parking lot and go to the left through the gate.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you even include this?
    "Some residents have expressed alarm that the School District plans on selling the properties off to private developers as the Tattler reported last week."
    You reported on the 19th the offer is off the table, then on the 22nd you run a poll about weather or not they should sell Anna Yates to developers. Then you report it again, in this article as though its fact.

    Is your desire to 'get the city', and prove how they do EVERYTHING wrong, and it would all be SO much better if they would all just listen to you so great that you can ignore facts entirely, and just keep harping on issues that aren't issues anymore?

    I used to respect your blog for the light it shined on the city, but now, it just seems to be devolving in rumor and hyperbole. And your excuse is 'everyone else does it'. Sad.
