Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Text Of Teachers Resolution On Superintendent Lindo

The following is the text of the Emery Teachers Association resolution addressed to the School Board, read aloud at last Monday night's meeting and reported on by The Secret News:

Emery Teachers Association

Resolution Expressing "NO CONFIDENCE" In Superintendent Debbra Lindo

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has failed to provide clear leadership and academic direction aligned with the District's vision, purpose, and guiding principles; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has failed to communicate with or appropriately respond to staff questions; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has violated the District's guiding principles by only promoting "Dashboard Indicators" to address high expectations of academic performance instead of promoting a multi-faceted approach with true substance; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo's actions have created an unprecedented all-time low in staff morale leaving teachers feeling unwanted, devalued, and disrespected; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has cut the teaching staff at the secondary school so significantly that it has negatively impacted the teaching staff at the elementary school, and thus negatively impacted student learning; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has been dividing our community of parents and teachers through her communications regarding staffing; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has failed to create fiscally responsible ratios of administrators to students, adding more administrative positions while cutting teacher positions; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo's actions have been undermining the workings of unions and member's rights; and

Whereas: Superintendent Debbra Lindo has not authentically involved teachers by systematically and consistently seeking teacher's input; and

Our district needs a superintendent who is a leader that inspires trust and loyalty with families, employees, and the community as a whole.  Our district needs a superintendent who is focused on students and can create an academic vision and purpose that is inclusive, meaningful, and sustaining.  A superintendent who does not abide by our guiding principles will not make our district a beacon to families seeking quality education.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Emery Teachers Association respectfully submits this vote of "No Confidence" to the Board of Trustees of Emery Unified School District.

(Signed by 45 teachers)

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