Saturday, October 13, 2012

RULE Meeting

R  U   L   E  
Residents United For A Livable Emeryville

Next meeting:  Saturday, November 17
10:00 - 12:00

5514 Doyle St., Community Room, 1st floor

Bring breakfast snacks
Coffee and tea provided

Our agenda: 

            1.     How to support EPOA Public Accountability initiative
            2.     Historic Building Preservation
            3.     Tree Ordinance
            4.     RULE support for City Council candidates:
                                    Timing, potential candidates, RULE procedures.
            5.     School Board/ECCL report by School Board member Josh Simon
            6.     New business and committee reports

In addition to the above, what are our other priorities? Some ideas include the remaining land to be developed in town, including the Sherwin Williams site and the plot next to Bay Street.

For information respond to this email or call Judy Timmel at 601-6521

Special note from Mayor West to RULE supporters:  Please note two dates for City Council items of interest...respond directly to Jennifer West

Some upcoming items to talk about at RULE:

Oct. 16 will have a few things of interest on the agenda: 
  • Ken Bukowski's EPOA ballot initiative for a study session at 6:30 -7:15. 
  • Another item is to talk about the committee structure at the city: 
  1. council appointments to the committees (potentially changing from 2 council members to one -- there are too many meetings for us!)
  2. committee make up, possibly including more residents/business reps on committees, and I have placed (as part of that discussion) an item about 
  3. changing the way mayor is selected (top vote getter in election becomes mayor 2 years after election and for 2 years)
  4. moving elections to even years (higher turn out). 
I would be very interested to see what RULE folks think about these issues. it would be easiest for me to talk with you about this, or you can wait until I write up my thoughts... but that is not likely to happen before Sat. I am sorry that I cannot attend as I am on a panel at UC Berkeley.

Note from Judy:  Jac Asher has informed us that at this meeting she will bring up a reconsideration of the approval of the Parkside development plan to remove 33 trees

Nov. 6 will have the next trees study session at 6:30-7:15.



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