Monday, December 17, 2012

Emeryville City Worker Payroll Numbers Released

Emeryville's city employee compensation information can be accessed HERE.

Chiang Publishes New City and County Payroll Figures

Contact: Jacob Roper

SACRAMENTO – State Controller John Chiang has updated his compensation website,, to show the salary, pension benefits and other compensation amounts for city and county employees in 2011. 

Today's posting includes submissions from 462 cities and 53 counties, totaling more than $37.6 billion.

This update follows a complete redesign of the website, which now offers analytical tools, map-based searches, trend analyses, chart and graph builders and direct access to the entire payroll database. The update also provides more data than offered in earlier versions. The latest additions include (1) a detailed breakdown of actual wages paid, including regular pay, overtime, lump sum cash outs of vacation and sick leave, bonuses, and other pay subject to Medicare taxes; and (2) the employer's share of pension costs.

The site was originally created by Controller Chiang in late 2010, after he ordered local governments to provide salary and other compensation information for their employees to his office. The Controller's website includes data from cities, counties, special districts, California State Universities, Community Colleges, and the State itself. For the calendar year 2010, the wages for more than 1.5 million public positions were made available. More than 622,179 positions have been posted for calendar year 2011. 

For today's posting, 17 cities and 3 counties did not file in time, or filed incomplete records. 

The website covers elected officials as well as public employees. It includes the following information for each position:

  •      Minimum and maximum salary ranges;
  •      Actual wages paid, which includes not only regular pay, but also overtime, payouts for vacation and sick leave, bonuses, and other pay subject to Medicare taxes;
  •      The applicable retirement formula;
  •      Both the employer's share of pension costs, as well as any contributions by the employer covering the employee's share of pension costs;
  •      Any contributions by the employer to the employee's deferred compensation plan; and
  •      Any employer payments for the employee's health, vision and dental premium benefits.

A list of agencies that failed to file payroll records with the State can also be found on the Controller's website. Each non-complying agency could face a penalty of up to $5,000.

For a complete schedule of future updates, click here.


  1. Looks like a whole bunch of well paid fire fighters and police officers.

  2. Seems like a lot of overpaid cops for a town of 7000.

  3. Directors are very well compensated. Most are making almost twice what their department's highest paid staff person earns!

  4. At this level of compensation, city employees no longer work for us. We work to support them. I am envious: I wish I had become a government employee, instead of the path I took.
