Thursday, July 11, 2013

Community Members Comment on ECCL's Environmental Impact

July 11th was the final day to submit comments to the Emery Unified School District as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process for the proposed Emeryville Center of Community Life.

The District issued an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (and technical appendices) that alleged that, with the mitigation measures proposed, the ECCL project would not have a significant environmental impact.

A group of Emeryville residents, parents of children who currently or will attend the schools of the Emery Unified School District, and individuals that own property or are employed in Emeryville have collaborated to draft a set of comments.

The Comments suggest that the District should prepare a full Environmental Impact Report, rather than the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and the Comments highlight the ways in which the commenters believe the ECCL is inconsistent with Emeryville's General Plan, particularly for its failure to include the bicycle/pedestrian path on the western edge of the property and for failing to design the northern edge of the property as the east-west greenway called for in the General Plan.

The final version of comments with signature page are below.

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