Thursday, October 24, 2013

Breaking News: Emery School Superintendent to Step Down

Debbra Lindo Throws in the Towel 

Emery Unified School District's embattled Superintendent of the Schools Debbra Lindo has agreed to retire, clearing a major point of contention between the School Board and the teachers it was announced today.  The announcement caps a year and a half of antagonism between the Board and the teachers that has made a mockery the Emery School District's oft repeated slogan "we create a sense of family".  The bad blood began shortly after the Board hired Ms Lindo when 93% of the teachers released their 'Teachers Resolution', a damning litany of abuses piled on the teachers by the new superintendent.  The Board dug in their heels in response and wrote a resolution of their own; essentially an obscene hand gesture to the teachers, expressing full confidence in the superintendent.  Today's dramatic announcement promises to reset the dysfunctional dynamic between the Board and the teachers at Emery.

Here is the text of Ms Lindo's press release:

Superintendent of Emery Unified School District Announces Retirement
Dr. Debbra Lindo, Superintendent of the Emery Unified School District, announces her retirement effective June 30, 2014 after almost forty years in education. Lindo announced Wednesday night that she will retire at the end of the school year saying "I am announcing my retirement now to give the board enough time to analyze its option regarding my replacement."
"It has been a privilege and honor to serve the EUSD family. In many ways, this has been my second home and I thank you all for the opportunity to shepherd our students through this stage of their educational development. I greatly appreciate the opportunity the Board gave me to lead EUSD and will support the Board and staff to ensure a smooth transition. Over the next seven months I will continue to focus on engaging the schools and community in the development of our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), the rollout of the new Common Core Standards and Smarter Balance Assessments, and begin construction of Phase I of the Emeryville Center of Community Life (ECCL).
Dr. Lindo also remarks, " I want our exceptionally talented staff to know how much I appreciate them and their devotion to the students of EUSD. I know our students will continue to thrive because of you. I, too, want to thank the City of Emeryville who truly embodies the district's slogan, Partners Power Student Success. Emeryville is a very special community. With our bold and ambitious full service community schools vision, ECCL is well positioned to become a beacon in the region. We have a philanthropic business community that consistently supports our school's programs and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve this terrific community."
President of the EUSD school Board, Melodi Dice said, “Being an educator has not just been a job but a calling for Dr. Lindo. From day one she focused on doing what was right for each and every student by helping to stabilize the fiscal health of the school district and align resources to support teachers in creating the conditions for EUSD students to thrive.”
Dr. Lindo started her career in the mid 1970s as an English teacher and art teacher in San Diego. Later she worked for the San Ramon Valley Unified School District where she taught English and social studies for 15 years. She began her administrative career in 1992 and has served as assistant principal, principal, director, assistant superintendent, VP of Ed Services for a software company and CEO of a national non profit, College Track, before arriving in EUSD. During her time in EUSD, she received the 2013 award of distinction from the California Association of African American Superintendent and Administrators (CAAASA) , was appointed to State Board of Governors for the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) and was appointed by State Superintendent, Tom Torlakson, to serve as co-chair and co-author of the Greatness by Design Educator Excellence Task Force’s Leadership and Career Development sub-committee.
"As the first in my family to graduate from college, I understand greatly the importance of an education." Public education is the great equalizer in a free and democratic society and the social policies that governing bodies create can critically impact the lives of students and families. I look forward to passing the baton to the next leader of EUSD who will work with teachers, board, staff and the City of Emeryville to build upon the positive momentum that has been made with our full service community schools initiative. It has been great working for a school community that so values it most important asset-children."


  1. according to rob arias' e'ville eye article, pixar shifted its fundraising from the emery ed fund to supt.lindo's national organization college track. if this is not a conflict of interest, I certainly consider this a betrayal to the emery unified school district. what does the school board think about this? exactly how much has Pixar donated to college track since lindo was appointed in 2011 and how much of that benefitted Emeryville students?

  2. Lindo's upcoming retirement leaves her 8 months to repair relations with our teachers. Failing that, we can remember her for a phenomenal disconnect with teachers, peppered with platitudes like "I understand greatly the importance of an education."

    1. A school superintendent that sees the importance of education...the mind boggles.
