Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Emery Teachers Scuttle Superintendant Liaison Meetings Indefinitely

Emery Teachers Break Off Talks 
With Superintendent & District 

The Emery School District's frosty relationship with its teachers just got a little colder.
School teacher representative Dawn Turner told the School Board last month the teachers had collectively decided to end talks meant to resolve emerging problems with the Superintendent of the Schools and the District.  It marks the latest step a frustrated Emery Teachers Association has taken after more than a year of discontent with the Emery Unified School District and Superintendent Debbra Lindo.  
Emery Teachers Association President Turner told an indifferent School Board they will "suspend the Liaison Committee until further notice."
Ms Turner added, "If we continue it this year it will give you the false impression that all is well and we don't care to give you that impression.  We want you to understand we are experiencing problems."

The Liaison Committee was intended to serve as a forum to hash out problems between teachers and the District before the issues spiraled out of control but after the School Board ignored the teacher's request for intervention with a recalcitrant Superintendent Lindo last year, the teachers have been feeling disrespected and ignored according to a teacher.  The teacher who spoke to the Tattler but wished to remain anonymous fearing possible District reprisals, condemned the School Board's inaction after last year's Teachers Resolution as a tipping point in District/teacher relations.

Representative Turner summed it up, "We feel in the past, in previous years and past administrations, it [the Liaison Committee] was always very productive" recalling the better days before the School Board hired Superintendent Lindo.  "We don't want to provide lip service to these issues.  We want them addressed, resolved like they've been in the past" she added.

You Tube video courtesy of the Emeryville Property Owners Association


  1. Wow, what a messed up school district not to mention unfortunate and sad.

  2. Its time for it to end. This district's status quo is not sustainable.
