Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Shared Space" on Display at Temescal Creek Park

Naysayers Can Already See Effectiveness of the Center of 'Community' Life's Shared Space

In the past this blog has been critical of the City and School District's ideas around "shared space" as part of the new Emeryville Center of 'Community' Life.  This blog has repeatedly aired concerns that the San Pablo Avenue site was too small for all of the activities planned there and the City and School District have always responded that the site is not too small because children don't need dedicated spaces, but that the miracle of "shared space" is going to solve all our City's programming and scheduling issues.  So the School District's children are going to share space with the City's general public at the Center of 'Community' Life and all is going to be good.  Skeptics can rest assured because it appears that now the City has demonstrated the viability of this idea through a real life example in Temescal Creek Park.

Never shy about admitting when it is wrong, the Tattler will also have to take back its repeated claims that City leaders do too little to provide low-income housing.  Indeed, the City has a plan to serve those in the greatest need in our community and has, unbeknownst to many, already put this plan in action.

Thin sheet and two empty bottles of gin
As seen in these photos, the City has set up a homeless shelter at the base of several large Eucalyptus trees in Temescal Creek Park.  While currently only one thin sheet and a warm hat is being provided, we can certainly hope that these City services will be expanded.  It is not known whether City personnel or kind donations provided the three bottles of Taaka gin, the can of Bud Light, and the box of "sweet" cigars.  Public Works might consider relocating a trash can a little closer to this location, about 15 feet from the children's play area.
Empty box of cigars
Empty beer can nearby
This is the beauty of "shared space" on display for all to see.  The children can utilize the fantastic new play equipment during the day, and our City's homeless can cozy up with some gin and a smoke during the evening.  This example also helps make sense of the selection of the San Pablo Avenue location for the Center of 'Community' Life.  While some have questioned placing all our City's children on this state highway, San Pablo Avenue will provide convenient evening access for our City's homeless to the new Center of 'Community' Life once construction is complete, and then this proven example of "shared space" can be implemented again.
Thin sheet and warm hat
Empty bottle of gin nearby

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