Thursday, December 12, 2013

Popular Emeryville Cafe on the Rocks, Seeks Landlord Rapprochment

Cafe Aquarius is hosting a BBQ  tomorrow with hopes of securing enough signatures from passionate fans to force their landlord's hand as he moves to close down operations at the popular 65th Street bistro.  The E'ville Eye recently reported on the travails of how the breakfast/lunch eatery will be forced out after seven years of serving the north Emeryville area.  Many aficionados have noted Cafe Aquarius is exactly the kind of small locally serving business City Hall says they are trying to attract.
In addition to signature gathering, video interviews will be conducted for those who wish to partake.  Cafe Aquarius is located at 1298 65th Street between Hollis Street and the Greenway.  The BBQ event will go from 5PM to 7PM, Friday.

1 comment:

  1. wasn't this the previous location of rodini's bar? the emeryville historical society featured the family in one of their issues.
