Sunday, January 26, 2014

Breaking News: Chief Proponent of Center of 'Community' Life, School Board's Josh Simon Said to be Moving to Oakland

Amid swirling rumors, the Tattler received confirmation from two sources today that Emery School Board member Josh Simon, the chief proponent of the Center of 'Community' Life is giving up on Emery, selling his home and moving his family to Oakland.
A search of Zillow, the real estate website shows 5514 Doyle Street Apt # 5 for sale.
Mr Simon, a parent of two school aged children, has arguably been the largest booster of San Pablo Avenue's Center of 'Community' Life in the City over the years and a powerful advocate for the controversial project on the School Board.  He has provided the Center of 'Community' Life what intellectual heft it has as the project has moved past its critics and now starts the construction phase.

The abandonment of the District by Mr Simon combined with Superintendent Debbra Lindo, recently dismissed by the Board and Center of 'Community' Life project manager Roy Miller also now gone, leaves a massive project, just starting up, with no institutional memory and no first tier proponents left standing.  Concerned citizens have expressed worries should anything go wrong at this point, say financing operating expenses or a number of other looming problems, there will be no one left to turn to for accountability.

Mr Simon was not available for comment and he has not confirmed this with the School District sources say.  The sources for this story wish to remain anonymous.


  1. I think this is an excellent example of a city not made for families. Thanks to years of development under the Davis, Bukowski, Atkin, and Kassis umbrella, this is not a family, friendly town. How can he live in such a small home with two teenage girls and partner? Of course he was going to leave, it was only a question of when.

  2. Perfect....all the important people from the bond issuing agency on down have made their commissions, received their big pay, bonuses, health benefits, perks, pensions and severance pay, and kickbacks, and now its time for the rats to disembark. The party is over and the taxpayers get stuck with with the bill.
