Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Breaking News: Emery Schools Superintendant Forced Out

Rumors were swirling around the Emery Unified School District today as parents, citizens and even teachers tried to confirm that schools chief Debbra Lindo, has been forced out of her position as Superintendent of the Schools.  The School District has not made a statement and they have refused to officially confirm or deny the rumor.  However, a high level District official that wished to remain anonymous told the Tattler today that Ms Lindo is as of now "on leave" and former Emery Superintendent and State of California Department of Education Trustee John Quinn has become interim Superintendent.  Ms Lindo announced months ago after a tumultuous season and a half as the chief, she would leave her position, but not until June.

If Mr Quinn has in fact replaced Ms Lindo as Emery's new Superintendent of the Schools, some have speculated the District could be in financial trouble and the State has taken over the District as they did after fiscal improprieties left the District bankrupt in 2000.  Emery only emerged from State receivership in 2011.

Ms Lindo's early departure could spell trouble for the Center of 'Community' Life, a massive schools rebuild project that has just broken ground last week.  The project Manager for that project, Roy Miller quit his position earlier in the month.   The project is slated for completion in 2015.

Ms Lindo served at the pleasure of the Emery School Board and they would have been directly involved in her removal but no Board members would speak to the Tattler.  The Board had only just begun a search for a replacement for Ms Lindo due to be completed in time for her previously announced June departure.


  1. Well, collectively, we all just passed the point of no return. The "bought and paid for" High School is nearly demolished; and, for WHAT? The most ill conceived, money sucking, pioneering fiasco called "Center for Community Life". What a joke. It will never work, and we will Pay, Pay, Pay. Administering a School District is a Business, and our departing leader just got her due. She failed, but the mis guided Board is equally responsible for the rough financial situation going forward.
    The citizens of Emeryville just got screwed, again.

    1. I'm also sick of these crooks from the city and the school board. Some of the reasons for tearing down the old high school was that it was not seismically safe. As they were tearing it down, the main skeleton structure was pure steel and all concrete was completely reinforced with un-corroded steel rebar. These guys are all pathological liars sucking the money from our pockets. Shame on them!

    2. While perhaps the skeleton of the building was still in decent shape, everything inside was falling to pieces, not to mention the basic infrastructure was built for 1950's living, in this day an age of computers, the building could not handle the power requirements to run computers in the classrooms. Not to mention the science labs were so far out of date they weren't even used. It was a poor layout and use of the space in a district that was rapidly running out of places to put offices and classrooms. You may disagree with how the city is carrying out the whole project, but it still needed to be done.

    3. 1950's? That building was built in the 70's. I don't know where you get your information, sounds like you read something straight out of the marketers propaganda. To run a computer, all you need is an outlet and possibly a network wire. And what's this with a science lab? Will this new school even offer any AP science classes? Anyways, a lab is an easy remodel, it's not like they're going to install a particle accelerator. Emeryville could have easily gotten away with a remodel and not crammed everything into that small space. Some of the money should have been spent on the teachers and to retain and attract good ones. As for the Anna Yates and the Ralf Hawley school sites, Look for apartments and condos coming to pay for this debacle. The politicians in this town are crooks.

  2. This is serious and certainly warrants a statement from the Board. What the heck is going on? Stop paying lip service to "community engagement" and engage us for crying out loud. I'm tired of platitudes and firewalls. It's time to get real with us and start begging the community for help. You have shown you can't do it yourselves no matter how hard you try, As I've warned many times before, your hyperfocus on the ECCL has come as great expense to the quality of our school and this community. What else is it going to take for you to see that? From what I have seen first hand this community has been spot on while your record leaves much to be desired, Oy! Realize most of what I said above is based on speculation as to what is going on because, well, you won't or haven't told us. I'm angry and sad.

    1. What good is a Statement from the Board? Talk is cheap! It is their Deeds that matter. I'm very disappointed. A bunch of amateurs in control of my resources, and I am helpless. These people appear prominent and important.
      Woe is me.
