Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letter to the Tattler: Sam Kang

The following letter to the Tattler has been received from Emeryville resident 
Sam Kang:

Dear Emeryville neighbors,

My name is Sam Kang, an Emeryville resident and Democratic candidate for Assembly District 15 in the state legislature.  Our assembly district is one of the most diverse and progressive districts in the state. District 15 stretches from north Oakland and Emeryville, through Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, and Richmond, all the way up to Hercules.  Our little corner of California is one of the most vibrant communities in the state.
I'm running because I won't be just another reliable Democratic vote in the state legislature.  This district demands far more.  It demands a leader who stands up to powerful interests and knows how to win. This is what I do every day as a civil rights organizer in Berkeley for an organization called the Greenlining Institute.  We help communities all over California to stand up to powerful interests and advocate for better schools, a healthy environment, and affordable access to health care.

I'm the only candidate in this race with actual experience writing and advocating on state legislation.  I've personally worked on legislation that aimed to end fracking, challenging health insurance companies when they impose excessive rate hikes, and fighting cuts to financial aid for college.  Taking on big fights is what I do best.  I was an amateur fighter for 10 years, so fighting comes naturally.

I became a civil rights organizer and advocate because this country gave me so much.  I immigrated to the United States from Korea when I was four years old.  We didn't have much, so my parents worked 16-hour days, seven days a week.  Despite how hard my parents had to work, I'm so grateful because this country gave us a fair shot to achieve our American Dream.  That's why I've committed my life and career to giving back to my community.

My history of fighting for communities is why I'm endorsed by the Chairman of the Courage Campaign, California Small Business Association, California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, Emeryville Mayor Jac Asher, and community leaders across the state.  I would be honored to have your support.
The primary election is on June 3rd. Please visit my website at www.SamKang2014.com and learn more about how you can become a part of this campaign.

Warmly yours,

Sam Kang
Candidate for Assembly District 15
(Cities of Albany, Berkeley, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Hercules, Kensington, North Oakland, Piedmont, Pinole, Richmond, and San Pablo)

Sam Kang lives with his wife Akiko in the Triangle neighborhood of east Emeryville.  Sam has been a long time Emeryville activist.

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