Monday, June 23, 2014

Alameda County Grand Jury: City of Emeryville is Incompetent, Lacks Fiduciary Expertise

Scathing Report:
Nora Davis, Ruth Atkin and Kurt Brinkman Put Developer's Needs Ahead of Residents

City Attorney Mike Biddle is a Dilettante

The independent Alameda County Grand Jury released damning and condemnatory findings this week from a probe into a City of Emeryville scandal involving inappropriate financial dealings that put the needs of Bay Street Mall developer Madison Marquette ahead of Emeryville resident's needs.  At issue is the City Council majority's attempt to forgive $6 million of an $18 million loan to Madison Marquette by the former Redevelopment Agency at the behest of the City staff last year.
The Grand Jury's report excoriates the staff, particularly the City Attorney Mike Biddle and the recently retired Director of Finances Helen Bean for doing the bidding of the favored developer Madison at the expense of the people of Emeryville.  The scathing report also blamed City Council members Nora Davis, Ruth Atkin and Kurt Brinkman for voting to forgive the loan.

The Grand Jury said they were troubled by the fact that significant financial decisions were made with "insufficient research".  The report found the staff and the Council failed to conduct due diligence and that the staff lacks fiscal expertise.  The three City Council members and the staff were found to be incompetent and they failed to fulfill their fiduciary duty to the citizenry.

The Secret News has the whole story covered HERE.


  1. More about Biddle that puts him in an unfavorable light. Emeryville is really taking a beating in the press with this guy. Any chance there'll be an indictment after this?

  2. I will vote for any candidate for city council who runs on the premise to "clean house" esp the planning and legal department of Emeryville. These city employees are running this city into the ground.
