Sunday, June 8, 2014

Emeryville City Council: Two Seats Open

November Open Ballot
After last autumn's announcement that Councilwoman Jennifer West will step down at the end of her term and now the announcement that Councilman Kurt Brinkman will also not seek re-election means Emeryville voters will have a selection of candidates to consider for two open City Council seats this November, an unparalleled event in modern Emeryville history.  The election could bring a change to business as usual at City Hall; in the first time in more than 35 years and possibly since Emeryville's founding, there is no incumbent on the ballot.
Look to the Tattler for election news, analysis and opinion as Emeryville voters venture into never seen before territory, that rarest of rare events: full throated democracy with a wide open Emeryville City Council ballot.

Video courtesy of the Emeryville Property Owners Association

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