Tuesday, October 21, 2014

City of Emeryville U&V Information Mailer Mysteriously Lost in Mail

City Hall Perplexed About Mailers: 
Nowhere to be Found

Elections are always emotional events with passions running high and suspicions of dirty tricks the order of the day, especially in Emeryville.  Against this backdrop, eyebrows have been going up around town after City Hall announced recently that informative mailers about Measures U&V, many thousands of them mailed weeks ago, apparently have been "lost in the mail".  
City Manager
Sabrina Landreth
Missing mailers
The No on U&V side, lavishly funded by the California Association of Realtors (CAR) it should be noted, has had no problem getting thousands of their vitriolic mailers delivered to Emeryville residents in a timely manner by the Post Office.  

The City of Emeryville produced two  nonpartisan informational mailers so voters can get an objective analysis amid the hyperbole from CAR regarding Measure U, the charter city initiative and Measure V the real estate transfer tax initiative.  
Sabrina Landreth, Emeryville's City Manager, speaking about the City's two informational mailers told the Tattler yesterday, "It is my understanding mailer number two has arrived in some mailboxes, but mailer number one has yet to be located, even though it was dropped at the Post Office on October 8th".  She added, "We are working with our consultant to try to track them down, but as of yesterday, there is no sign of them even after [our] consultant searched the docks and pallets at the Oakland [Main] Post Office.  Even with the post office’s understaffing and major delays that we have heard about in getting these packets out this season, this has been an extraordinary delay."
The US Postal Service appears to have botched
the delivery of Emeryville City Hall's

objective, informational election mailer.  

Voter completed absentee ballots are already being returned and so in the absence of any information from the City, Emeryville voters have not been getting the benefit of an objective presentation of the facts about Measures U&V; a fact not lost on Mayor Jac Asher, one of the five City Council members that originally brought Measures U&V to the voters.  Ms Landreth said Mayor Asher is considering possibly filing a formal complaint with the Postal Service in response.


  1. I received my direct letter from Mayor Asher but neither of the flyers from the city. This is dreadful. People are misunderstanding these measures, thinking only short-term about additional cost when selling or buying a home. What they are not considering is if we do not get U and V passed, then we all lose. As our city begins to fail to keep its infrastructure robust due to lack of funds, the value of homes will be diminished as will the quality of all of our lives. RSM

  2. What makes everyone think it is the fault of the post office? Is this a repeat of the 2000 election in Florida?

  3. I wrote earlier--flyers have arrived today, but some people have already voted. It's hard to believe they took this long.
