Friday, October 17, 2014

'Coffee With the City Manager' Events Announced

From the City of Emeryville:

Emeryville City Manager
Sabrina Landreth
In an effort to promote citizen engagement, City Manager Sabrina Landreth will be holding a series of open office hours called, ‘Coffee with the City Manager’. This is aimed at enabling conversations with residents and businesses to discuss topics of their choice. In addition to topics brought by the public, Sabrina will also provide updates on pending issues being discussed by City Council and a variety of other topics. 

All, 'Coffee with the City Manager', events are open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
The events will be held at the City Hall, 1333 Park Avenue from 12 noon – 1pm.
Schedule  for 'Coffee with the City Manager',  through 2014

•Thursday, October, 23rd
•Thursday, December 11th

Please contact Serenity Mlay by calling 510-450-7801, should you have any questions

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