Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Follow the Money: Emeryville City Council Candidates

Follow the Money; third in a series
The Tattler introduces a new feature for the 2014 election season: Follow the Money. 
This election cycle is shaping up to be very expensive and very far-flung with lots of money from out-of-town interests pouring into the city.  We plan on digging out and exposing this money from people and organizations we don’t know that are trying to change our town to their liking.  These unfamiliar individuals and interest groups may effect our November elections with all their spending in Emeryville but the Tattler is going to make sure that while they assert their influence, we’re going to expose who they are. 
Click on the 'Follow the Money' label at the bottom of this story or use the search bar to review the entire Follow the Money series.

Emeryville Money & Sacramento Money Infused in Council Elections

Scott Donahue's Campaign Mostly Emeryville Based, 
John Bauters' Mostly Out of State & Sacramento Based

The Emeryville City Council candidates have filed their "460's", the State of California Form 460 detailing political campaign expenditures and contributions and the results show where their money comes from, revealing the extent of how grassroots and local their respective campaigns are (or aren't).  The Tattler has broken down the numbers of the set of 460's by dollar amounts and percentages.  We will post successive 460 filings from the candidates as they become available.  This opening salvo doesn't include candidate Ken Bukowski because he did not file a 460 form with the State.

An analysis of the numbers brings into focus major differences between the candidate's campaigns.  An overview shows a stark contrast between Scott Donahue, who's contributions reveal a mostly Emeryville sourced campaign versus John Bauters who's contributions are mostly from out of state with a sizable amount from Sacramento in both contributions and contributors. Dianne Martinez, who's running together with Mr Donahue as a slate, was in between the two extremes with 25% of her contributions coming from Emeryville versus Mr Bauters only receiving 7% from Emeryville.
At more than $16,000 raised so far, John Bauters' campaign has by far the most money of any candidate.  
Adding to the local neighborhood nature of Mr Donahue's campaign is the fact that all but one of his California non-Emeryville contributors are central close-in Bay Area, hailing from either Oakland or Berkeley.

The numbers revealed by the 460 forms give a snapshot of where the candidates come from.  Scott Donahue is a long time Emeryville resident, 37 years, while Dianne Martinez has lived in Emeryville since 2010 having moved here from Los Angeles.  John Bauters on the other hand moved to Emeryville only two years ago from out of state.  His large amount of Sacramento based contributions revealed in his 460 form probably are a result of his job as a registered lobbyist in that city and the political networks he has built there. 

Here are the results:

Scott Donahue 

Total Funds Raised This Period = $10,561

Total Contributors = 28

Amount of Emeryville Contributions = $5,410 (51%)

Number of Emeryville Contributors = 12 (42%) 

Amount of In State Contributions (not in Emeryville) = $4550  (43%)

Number of In State Contributors (not in Emeryville) = 10  (35%)*

Amount of Out of State Contributions = $600 (5%)

Number of Out of State Contributors = 6 (21%)

Unitemized Contributions (all within Emeryville) = $1,632

*Nine of the 10 in State (but outside of Emeryville) contributions that were received by Mr Donahue were from either Berkeley or Oakland. 

Dianne Martinez 

Total Funds Raised This Period = $9,800

Total Contributions Received = 51

Amount of Emeryville Contributions = $2,500 (25%)

Number of Emeryville Contributors = 14 (27%) 

Amount of In State Contributions (not in Emeryville) = $7,050 (72%)

Number of In State Contributors (not in Emeryville) = 34 (66%)

Amount of Out of State Contributions = $250 (2%)

Number of Out of State Contributors = 3 (5%)

The Martinez / Donahue Slate

Total Funds Raised This Period = $20,361

Total Contributions Received = 79

Amount of Emeryville Contributions = $7,910 (38%)

Number of Emeryville Contributors = 26 (32%) 

Amount of In State Contributions (not in Emeryville) = $11,600 (57%)

Number of In State Contributors (not in Emeryville) = 44 (55%)

Amount of Out of State Contributions = $850 (4%)

Number of Out of State Contributors = 9 (10%)

John Bauters

Total Funds Raised This Period = $16,686

Total Number of Contributors = 79

Emeryville Contributions = 8 contributors totaling $1,234.00

Amount of Out of State Contributions = 21 contributors totaling $8,525.00

Number of In State Contributors (not in Emeryville) = 50 contributors totaling $6,667.00 

Breakdown of Mr Bauters' support by percentage: 
- In Emeryville = 10%
- Outside of Emeryville, but in CA = 63%
- Out of State = 26% 
- Sacramento = 32%

- In Emeryville = 7%
- Outside of Emeryville, but in CA = 39%
- Out of State = 51%
- Sacramento = 16%

Mr Bauters' Sacramento Contributions:
- 26 contributors (32% of contributors) totaling $2,715.00 (16% of contributions)


  1. Hi Brian, I just sent you a letter in response to this post's headline and a prior Tattler e-mail blast from 10/9/14. I feel that you have a slight, probably unintentional, bias against the woman candidate, Dianne Martinez. Please publish my letter. I feel the Tattler is a very important resource for Emeryville residents and it is also read widely which is why I am responding today. Thank you, Barb

    1. Hi Barb-
      To test for Tattler bias against the City Council candidate Dianne Martinez, please check the Tattler endorsements coming out later next week.

      Thanks for reading.
      Brian Donahue

  2. Brian are you related to Scott?

  3. Anybody else feel uncomfortable with John Bauters getting only 7% of his contributions in Emeryville?

  4. I do not feel uncomfortable with this at all. The important question is who are the contributors, which the Tattler does not address. Bauters contributors are from organizations with which he has worked in furthering progressive causes. These organizations have the money to contribute, and know Bauters well. Most important is Bauter's understanding of legal and financial issues facing Emeryville. His experience with affordable housing, initiating legislation, and his history of having fought for the disadvantaged all indicate that he would be a boon to the city council. These competencies outweigh the political disadvantage of his not having lived in the community the past decades. So he is supported by people who knew him where he did live.

    1. It's not clear from his 460 that Mr Bauters' contributions are from the places you claim, we'll have to take your word for it I guess.

      But you raise an interesting point about his supporters and his lack of experience in Emeryville. Many of Mr Bauters supporters listed on his website are the precisely same people who in past Emeryville City Council elections cried foul against (progressive) candidates who similarly lacked Emeryville experience and time having lived here. Before these 'transgressions' were enough to disqualify candidates we were strenuously told. Now lack of Emeryville experience and having lived here less than two years is somehow a feather in Mr Bauters' cap.
      Think there's a hidden agenda at play here?
