Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Unofficial: Measures U&V Win

The Alameda County Registrar of Voters has declared Measures U&V in Emeryville as winning yesterday's contest with a revised set of numbers in an "unofficial" tally.  Measure U will make Emeryville a charter city and Measure V will impose a real estate transfer fee.  
U&V won easily despite Vallejo resident, real estate salesman and Emeryville Chamber of Commerce Board member Jason Crouch taking the lead in the fight, marshaling the National and California Association of Realtors to swamp Emeryville in an expensive campaign against the two measures. Spending by the NO side overpowered the YES side in a 43:1 ratio, unprecedented in modern Emeryville electoral history.

The newly revised numbers (all precincts reporting):

YES on U   822 at 57.6%
NO on U  605 at 42.4%

YES on V   843 at 59.2%
NO on V   581 at 40.8%


  1. You may have won the battle, but !

    1. Emeryville residents have won the battle but Republicans and their corporate paymasters will win the that it?

  2. It is not a battle. It is not a gang war, although some appear to think politics so. If you take the time to look at the city of Emeryville's finances, you will see that we need to raise revenue in order to maintain the city and provide services to keep us all healthy and safe. It really is we the people, and not me the people. We will all benefit from these measures.
    Ruth Major

    1. That's her opinion; misguided. It is what they do with the money that has always been the issue. They waste it! "Emeryville Finances"; there's the biggest crock around. The budget is full of extra employees, and unnecessary spending. What we should be doing is tightening our belts.
      Enough "Meetings"; put those big talkers to work ! And, save a few bucks.

    2. "Tightening our belts"? Why should we be doing that? Who told you that?
