Wednesday, December 10, 2014

City Hall Releases Community Message in the Wake of Protests

After a fourth night of protests in Emeryville, City Hall released the following community message:

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 – Community Message

Last night, at approximately 11:50 pm, a group of demonstrators estimated to be between 300 and 500 participants entered Emeryville. The demonstration originated in Berkeley earlier in the evening, moved into Downtown Oakland, then proceeded into Emeryville via San Pablo Avenue.
The Emeryville Police Department initiated its operational plan, designed to safely and effectively facilitate the movement of the peaceful demonstration through the City, in anticipation of the demonstration moving into Emeryville.

Up to the point the demonstration entered Emeryville, there were relatively very few reports of vandalism along the route; however, as the crowd moved northbound on San Pablo Avenue in Emeryville, small factions of the crowd damaged and looted several businesses including the Pak-N-Save, CVS, Bank of America, and 7-11.

The crowd then moved onto 47th Street, where several vehicles were vandalized, before moving out of Emeryville and into the City of Oakland where the crowd ultimately dispersed. The Emeryville Police Department is working with other police agencies to identify and arrest those demonstrators responsible for the vandalism that occurred last night.

The City of Emeryville wants to assure Emeryville residents and businesses that our Police Department is prepared to address any disturbances that may arise from these continuing demonstrations, while reiterating that the mission of the Police Department is to focus on facilitating the peaceful and safe movement of demonstrations in our City.

To aid our Police Department, the City asks that Emeryville businesses make sure to update their emergency contact card and be prepared in case of vandalism to have someone available to respond to secure your business. Please contact Emeryville Police at 596-3700 for non-emergencies and 911 for emergencies.

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