Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Tattler Celebrates Five Years

The Emeryville Tattler turned five in February and we're re-posting some of our favorite stories and the reader's favorites during our month-long celebration.  As the news cycle permits, look to see some of these oldies but goodies re-blasted. 

We continue the celebration with a piece from Wednesday December 8, 2010.

 As "Mr Testicles" was greeting Pixar employees arriving to work, the Tattler story about it went viral.  Some readers weren't happy with the story and one commenter called the story "vulgar".  Note the low res photo from an early camera phone.

Here's the story, titled "Emeryville Police Gets A Pair", one of our reader's faves:

December 8, 2010
"Mr Testicles" Solicits Help From Pixar

This morning the Emeryville police responded to an unusual call:  "There's someone dressed up as a man's private parts in front of the Pixar entrance."  Police checked out the lone costumed picketer and left the scene to attend to the seminal work of crime fighting.  The individual seeking to gain Pixar's attention distributed business cards reading:
Pixar can you help? We are a small innovative charity hoping to inspire your support. Can you help us?
 The charity's website reveals that this is "Mr. Testicles" which is part of the Male Cancer Awareness Campaign, which seeks to challenge the "prevailing ‘culture of embarrassment’, that discourages men from discussing and resolving problems related to intimate parts of their body."  The charity argues that "too many men die of prostate, bowel andtesticular cancer because they do not know how to detect the symptoms in the early stages, when treatment would be more effective."
Perhaps the funniest call that the EPD will receive today might also be their most important.  Have you or the men in your life been screened?
The American Cancer Society provides guidelines on who should be screened (and when) on their website: 


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