Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Letter to the Tattler: Ken Bukowski

School Board candidate Ken Bukowski is calling for a special community meeting at ECCL.  

Ken Bukowski cordially invites you to attend the first ever community meeting at the new ECCL. 
Saturday, Oct 29, 2016 at 10:00am - 11:30am     ECCL Building A      Ground Floor     4727 San Pablo Ave    
TOPIC:   Emery Unified School District & School Board Election 
Candidate Ken Bukowski will explain why he is running for the School Board. We will ask participants to complete a survey to learn what issues are important.
We will talk about:
  •  The past history of EUSD
  •   Future financial projections
  •  The city involvement in the ECCL project
  •   Proposal to create a parent advisory board
  •   A plan to hold future community meetings

Other school board candidates (and existing Board members) are invited and will be encouraged to participate.  
This will be the first in a series of community meetings to be held quarterly to discuss school issues with the community solicited to provide ideas and suggestions. 
The meeting will be video recorded to insure all feedback and ideas are not lost. 
Please visit the Emeryville Property Owners youtube channel where you can find all of the school board meetings since 2014 as well as over 2000 videos of past city meetings.

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