Friday, November 25, 2016

Emery Unified Finally Reaches the Top 70% of School Districts Statewide

Emery Unified School District: Failed to File 
Transparency Documents

California State Controller Betty Yee
Challenged Emery Unified.
Emery's response?, 'No thanks,
we don't do transparency here'.
Transparency has never been their strong suit.
Our school district, a perennial punching bag so used to being alone near the bottom of lists and struggling for explanation, can finally enjoy what fruits can be had from being in a majority.  To wit; Emery Unified's existential troubles with accountability and transparency, legendary regardless of its claims to the contrary and despite School Board Trustee Christian Patz's prodigious work in this area, has netted a new meritorious distinction.  The district has joined 70% of other California school districts that failed to file to report salary and benefits data to the people of California as recently revealed by State Controller Betty Yee.

It's another case of 'trust us there's nothing to see here' from Emery Unified.
But Emeryville residents who still listen to what their school district says rather than look at what it does may want to consider this as they decide where to send their children to school:

CA Controller Publishes 2015 Salary and 
Benefits Data for K-12 Education Entities

SACRAMENTO — State Controller Betty T. Yee today updated her Government Compensation in California website to include 2015 self-reported salary and benefits data for K-12 education employers, including public school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education.  The data covers 648,129 positions and almost $24.81 billion in total wages. 

While cities, counties, and special districts are required to report salary and benefits data to the State Controller, K-12 education employers are voluntary reporters.  The State Controller’s Office requested data from 1,887 K-12 education employers, and 655 chose to report in the interest of transparency.  Of those, 569 reports were complete.

Almost 70 percent of K-12 education employers did not file the requested reports or provided incomplete information. 

Since the government compensation website was launched in 2010, it has registered more than nine million page views. The site now contains information on more than two million jobs in California, as reported by each government entity.

Users of the site can:

·         View compensation levels on maps and search for compensation by region;
·         Narrow results by name of entity or by job title;
·         Build charts; and
·         Export custom reports or raw data.


  1. Thanks as always to our eyes-wide-open Tattler for keeping us informed. Painful as it is when our officials fail to do their job, this at least reminds them and the rest of us of their duties.

  2. Maybe they just couldn't get to filing the report because they were so busy maintaining the super high test scores at Emery. You have to let them do their job and not bother them.

  3. Next up...Vouchers, the private school across the street will gladly take our money without accountability.
