Sunday, August 27, 2017

Emeryville Police: Babies and Batons

Emeryville sent their police to help Berkeley PD keep the peace at an anti-Nazi rally at Berkeley City Hall today. The peaceful demonstration included many Bay Area social justice organizations, including labor groups such as SEIU and clergy from interfaith groups.  The protest was attended by many families including lots of babies.  Emeryville police were there, in muscular force (if not their awareness of the bad optics) with full riot gear and they donned their gas masks amid the grandmothers and baby carriages.
Notable among the police forces: virtually no other police (including Berkeley and Oakland) had the gas masks on.
UPDATE/CORRECTION: 8/28 10:35  An Emeryville police spokesperson reports that some Berkeley police had gas masks on (perhaps five or so) at the time.  Oakland police did not and neither did the vast majority of Berkeley police.  The babies there also did not have gas masks on.
Today at 1:30 PM in front of Berkeley City Hall, Emeryville sends its representatives:


  1. Leave it to the tattler to trash the police for doing their job. It's Antifa all the way with the Tattler.

  2. With regards to Antifa, the Tattler is agnostic...that is until that organization in some way intersects with Emeryville. However, if you don't want to see what the Emeryville Police Department is doing in your name (presuming you live in Emeryville), then I suggest you stop reading the Tattler.

  3. why are you describing the recent antifa mobs as """peaceful""" and framing your own police officers as violent?? I actually live in berkeley and recently its become ridiculously infested with antifa. graffiti everywhere, people being assaulted for political views (repugnant or not, unacceptable), calls for open violence and revolution against the govt... whether you like it or not, an actual police presence up here during these protests is APPRECIATED, people are tired of their shop windows getting broken, hammers and sickles, 'liberals get the bullet too', and 'make the guillotines red again' being spray painted on their walls and streets.

    1. Are you saying I'm not in favor of a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, with the forcible suppression of opposition? Who wouldn't be in favor of all that?!?

  4. Autumn is halfway over Mr Harbinger. What do you have planned for us over the next few weeks? Perhaps some FA activity to counteract the ANTIFA activity you see?
