Thursday, September 21, 2017

Emery Schools Chief John Rubio Appeals to Parents: Don't Listen to the Tattler

Rubio Speaks

His Tattler Bashing Letter Claims He's Doing a "Great" Job

The Tattler's revelatory recent story of plunging test scores amid the imposition of racist practices at Emery Unified School District and the role the Superintendent of the Schools has played in that has caught the imagination of parents and guardians at the ECCL campus and caught the attention of the Superintendent who has responded with a widely distributed countering letter.
The September 16th Tattler story reveals that after nine teachers testified at a June 15th School Board meeting that the Superintendent, John Rubio, had installed what they called racist practices at the District, their warnings that a drop in academic achievement for black students would likely be forthcoming have been prescient, at least when using test scores as a metric.
Emery Superintendent
John Rubio

Reporting the teacher's side
is so unfair.
The Emeryville Tattler is
the enemy of the people.  It's
standing in the way of Making
Emery Schools Great Again.
Interestingly, Mr Rubio uses his counter letter to tell parents/guardians how much he respects the teachers; strange to hear after the nine teachers testified against him at the June 15th Board meeting describing a culture of "bullying" by the Superintendent against them.  Perhaps the claims of his respect for teachers are exaggerated.

Superintendent Rubio has been distracted by the Tattler story, so much so that he sent the letter (below) to the parents/guardians of every Emery student, refuting the Tattler story's veracity (without mentioning it specifically).
Mr Rubio accuses the Tattler of posting untruths, a charge we patently decry as false, and we hereby challenge Mr Rubio to back up his claims with specifics. The easiest thing in the world for someone in the Superintendent's position to do who has been called out for a gross lack of leadership is to make blanket claims of a prevaricating press, to shoot the messenger as it were.  We can think of another 'Great Leader' doing the same thing on the other side of the continent.  

The following is the text of the letter from a distracted Superintendent Rubio, received yesterday, with the Tattler's responses in red, directed at the Superintendent:

Dear Parents and Community Members,

The State of California is preparing for their official release of certified Smarter Balanced test scores from last spring.

From year to year, we have seen our test scores fluctuate. This is year three and they have not fluctuated, they have stayed at the bottom of the area.

The over all percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards in English and in Math increased from May of 2015 to May of 2016, and those overall percentages went back down to about the same 2015 levels this past May. The scores dropped below the 2015 levels. It should also be noted the there was a shift in who was tested in those years, 2015 to 2016.

This is not a surprise to our school staff. Consistent positive growth takes time, a district-wide focus on classroom instruction, having a great teacher in every classroom, and a concerted effort on the part of all members of our community. Zero growth over three years is not the same as consistent positive growth. It is zero growth.

If you break the data down by grade level and into different groups, we see that our English language learners are doing great in some areas and not as well in others. We see our African-American students outperforming African-American students in neighboring districts, and our English language learners greatly outperforming English language learners in neighboring districts but still not doing as well when compared to last year. The terms "great" and "greatly" are not the correct modifiers. Statewide, 13% of ELA students were proficient or above in English Language Arts and 12% in Mathematics. In Alameda County, the scores are the same in ELA and slightly higher in Math (13% and 15%). Emery’s scores are about the same in English and slightly higher in Math (12% ELA and 18% Math). This is not doing great. Nor did African-American students greatly outperform nearby districts. Emery was one or two percentage points above our neighbors in Oakland and Berkeley, that falls within the statistical error rate. Countywide, 26% of African-American students met the ELA standards and 16% met the Math standards compared to 20% ELA and 17% Math in Emery.

As an organization, we have to face our challenges and recognize areas for improvement, while we continue to work to be the best we can be. After three years, zero growth is the best we can be?

We know that the quality of the teaching staff is critical in improving student achievement. We interviewed over 200 applicants in person last spring for seven teaching positions. Your process is to interview 30 candidates for each position? That seems inefficient. Industry standard is 3 to 5. To be extremely diligent, 10 should be more than adequate. If you are interviewing 30 candidates for each position, that is not something to brag about. At the elementary level, which most of these positions were, you could be seeing 60 candidates for the same job. This is a point of pride? Did you screen the same ratio, 30 to 1, of candidates to interview? It would be impressive if 6,000 teachers applied for the 7 positions. This reads like you did zero resume screening and just interviewed everyone.

If you measure the quality of our schools by the quality of our teachers in each and every individual classroom, then this year looks like it will be our strongest in the last four years. All the teachers that have left were not good teachers? Does this include the Yale Scholars that have left? The past Teachers of the Year?

For the first time in three years, I can walk through all of our three schools: the elementary, the middle, and the high school, and see strong teachers in all of our classrooms. I think this is uncommon in public schools, and yet we have now achieved it. Your disrespect for public schools and teachers is impressive. The majority of public schools have strong teachers in every room. It seems the common denominator of the halls you walk is you. Maybe you have only worked at schools that struggle.

By strengthening our staff through the hiring of high quality teachers who joined the ranks of a group of high quality veteran teachers, we will see test scores increase this spring. If this is a goal, it should be quantified. Given that one in five students is proficient in Emery, test scores could go up by simply asking students to guess on multiple choice questions.

I know that having test scores that go up and then back down opens our district to negative attacks, untrue exaggerations, and an attempt to shame the district and our teachers online. Reporting on bad test scores is not an attack by fake news and only the School Board should be shamed. As for untrue exaggerations, see your above uses of "great" and "greatly".

Our teachers are working extremely hard, and they don't deserve that. Hard working and effective are two different things. Emery teachers would be more effective if leadership did their job and not require teachers to participate in 20 to 25 unnecessary interviews (in addition to all the interviews driven by the constant replacing of teachers because Emery, under your leadership, has the worst teacher retention of any school district in the East Bay).

No matter where we are sitting, we are improving, and we will continue to improve. We will do it by holding each other up and supporting one another as we continue to improve our practice, our strategies, and our great program offerings (e.g. Scientific Adventures for Girls) which cannot be found in most other schools. As we want to avoid exaggerations, programs like Scientific Adventures for Girls are available on most campus and Scientific Adventures is on eight school campuses, four libraries, including Golden Gate across the street from ECCL, and one club.

We have every reason to believe that our scores and enrollment will go up as we move into the 2018-19 academic year because of the changes we made this year. Based on your previous statement that the drop in test scores was not unexpected, did you not have this expectation last year? You made bold claims about EUSD being a destination district this year, you have this year’s enrollment, is it up or down?

I would welcome anyone to come walk through the hallways and visit the classrooms in our schools and see our students, our great teachers, and great administrators all working hard. What time on Monday should we be there?

My glass is half full, I have a positive mindset, and it will remain that way because that's how we support, build up, and respect our teachers. When 1 in 4 students have met the standard in English, that is not half full, that's one quarter full.

We are all committed to do this work, because we are committed to the success of our children.

We will build off of our positive improvements in areas where we are doing well, and we recognize and will make changes where we have to improve - that's the work to be done every day and every school year. We should be interviewing 30 Superintendents, is that the work?

Thank you,
Dr. John J. Rubio

Thank you,
Emeryville Tattler (redlined responses)


  1. I was a victim of "Dr" Rubio's and ECCL's racist practices.
    Last year you banned me from ECCL. My son's school. After your then principal had her husband/freind lay in wait for me in the lobby to assault me which you then attempted very hard to cover up. I was one of see dorsal black parents to be banned. Inn fact, you have ONLY banned black parents. Rubio I've had personal dealings with you Ann's posses emails from you containing lies and contradictions. You are a politician. Nothing more.

  2. In an attempt to cover up the actions of your principal, I was in the victim of several police harassing and one threatening email telling me to move out of Emeryville, all of which I made police reports on.

    I think that the rest of the parents are growing very tired of the lack of leadership at the Emeryville School District. I know that I an.

  3. My experience with you and your staff last year was one that left me horrified however the question can be asked, "why did I keep my son in this school". That question can be answered by stating this- neither my son nor I did anything wrong. In fact in an attempt to do the right thing we were criminally wrong by you, Doctor Rubio, and your principal Diane Lang as well as your vice principal. The board that is in place has been in place now for a while and during that time we have had nothing but corruption at your level and frankly I personally am sick of it. You have staff members that are deathly afraid to speak out and others who seem to be your lap dogs but I asked that you lay open all of your records for us to look at including your track record in areas of diversity and we're race and education are concerned. Because my experience with you tells me that you cannot be trusted one bit dr. Rubio

    1. It sounds like you're an upset black parent who is naming and blaming the minority superintendent and black female principal who resigned from the district. You then said you had an issue with the white male assistant principal, but you didn't name him? You also harassed and threatened other staff members many of whom were people of color, and African American women. Perhaps you have a problem with minority leadership and are loyal only to white males in leadership. It seems like there are issues of self hatred and I find it odd that you are stating the injustices you have experienced as a black parent, while bad mouthing people of color even those who no longer work in Emery.
      You also failed to mention that you David, brandished a weapon during that encounter with Emery staff and threatened an entire lobby of Emeryville staff and parents. I was one of of the parents present during the scene you caused. Strange you would put this online when so many of us were there and shocked by your outburst. You are a part of the problem, you must stop the self hatred, the hate you have for minority leadership and the allegiance you maintain to white supremacy.

    2. You sound like a self entitled white asshole

    3. Hello anonymous. You see, you only going on Ernest when you're too big of a coward to sit across the table from an individual such as myself and say these words instead of typing them. I put my name out there. I will be frank. I am tired of white folks bulshit! Self-hatred? Aren't white people scrambling right now to find ways to darken their skin? Everything you have you stolen, raped, murdered for. And if you aren't white you are clearly the lap dog of White America. I'm very familiar with your types and I think I know some white people better than they know themselves and you, Anonymous, or a bigoted, racist, degenerate

    4. And to speak of the person of color who no longer works at Emory. I do not recognize lap dogs as black people. Diane Lang did commit a crime when she conspired with whomever she had approached me at eccl in the lobby of that school placing not only parents in danger but their children as well. The fact that she is black does not mean that I will turn my head and ignore crimes that she commits against other black people. If you are in fact a black person then you should really really reassess what you call loyalty. Diane Lang was loyal to herself Kama her paycheck, and to that worthless individual who is posing as a school superintendent. It sounds as if you are projecting when you talk about self-hatred. Because it is out of love for myself and for my son that I took her ass to task

    5. I did test, loathe corruption especially when it is by hypocritical people who claim to be righteous and hide behind a facade. That's your Diane Lang. Nothing but a mere Street Thug. And the fact that you find yourself on this thread hiding behind the title anonymous and spewing this crap tells me that you are definitely a lap dog of the administration there at the Emeryville School District and I don't respect you and until you can drop the anonymous, take off the mask and sit down in front of me or at least throw a name or profile pic out there. I don't mind having debates or conversations as long as they lead somewhere positive but I'm not going to do it with a coward ghost

    6. Regarding Mr Jackson's willingness to sign his name to his post(s) in his reply to the anonymous commenter at November 2nd 10:57 pm, I can state unequivocally he is correct: he has more credibility than the anonymous commenter. Persons willing to sign their names to their opinions automatically are given more deference. Anonymous comments, especially those that are given over to taunting or baiting are the easiest thing in the world to do and as a consequence have very little value.

    7. Diane Lang and dr. Rubio have railroaded a parent and is are now going back and forth to court trying to get a restraining order against a parent at eccl. Diane Wang being a shady individual she is and was before she got to the school, talk to some poor ignorant Spanish-speaking parent into being the one to serve papers on this parent on the school grounds. Miss Lang is out of pocket. Straight up and if you don't think so you're a stupid individual. That Latina woman should not have gotten involved in school business and principal Lang, if she had any professionalism about her would not have enlisted another parent to serve a civil document on another parent. This is how that ended. The Spanish-speaking mom attempted to hand this document to this other parent and shoved it at her while they were on a staircase pushing this parent down the stairs. This other parent turns around not knowing what the hell is going on and defends herself. Now the superintendent, Lang, and the ex vice principal are now currently in court proceedings against this woman. This sounds very familiar to me. This woman's child was being harassed by another student. A student that should have been gone years ago. After several weeks of inaction, sounds familiar again, this woman got upset because her daughter is being bullied by a male student and the staff has done nothing as they usually do nothing. As evidence by dr. Rubio hiding the fact that students are being sexually assaulted in our schools. Dr. Rubio the old vice principal and Lang were in the courtroom texting each other in violation of Court proceedings. Surely they were getting their story straight. An anonymous person considers me to be full of self-hatred and this assessment is brought on by my refusal to take my teeth out of dr. Rubio and ex principal Lang.

      Let me ask you an honest. If you are black and a black person was set to come into that school as principal and you found out that that person had a felony criminal record or that person committed another crime would you support that person simply because they're black? What if that person had molested a child? Am I to support that person simply because they're black. And if I file paperwork on another black person because they've hurt my child or in some other way committed an act that is actionable am I a self-hating black man? If a white person at a white school goes after the superintendent because the superintendent is guilty of hiding allegations of sexual assault on children at our school which puts Our Children at Risk is that white person full of self-hatred by going after another white person? So, Anonymous, your argument is not only full of holes but absolutely stupid. I'm told that for a while now Berkeley school district has expressed interest in acquiring eccl. After this incident with your beloved Diane Lang I had seriously considered removing my son from this school and placing him in Berkeley School District but if Berkeley school district is in fact serious about acquiring eccl I might just go ahead and support that, keep my kid here, as he may be in a Berkeley school system anyway in might not have to move. I've gone from being a person who supported this District to a person who did test the school district's leadership, and even some of the staff for their indifference, racist practices, and criminal actions in many cases

    8. Is this mr. T are you Anonymous mr. T. Because Anonymous is doing some very familiar things right now. One school staff member in particular spent an inordinate amount of time trying to talk me out of filing a complaint against principal Lang. This person cited my reaction to a stranger approaching me in the lobby of my school or my son's school and threatening me. School administration took my reaction to principal Lang's crime on school grounds and used that against me to ban me from the school illegally and another black person, a staff member spent a lot of time trying to talk me out of filing paperwork, as if he was getting some kind of Captain Save A Hoe badge afterwards. No Captain Save A Hoe bad for you. And to all my detractors, naysayers, and those who just generally don't like me, imma keep it clean but you know exactly what you can do.

  4. Nobody should listen to the Tattler.

    1. Because we can trust City Hall and the City Council to always do the right thing by us? Is that why nobody should listen? The Tattler isn't needed because the business and political elite do much better without any accountability? It's always best to not watch the elite and just have faith they'll do as they say they will? Is that it?

    2. Historically speaking, Brian, and that's in politics., the dissenting party is always seen as the troublemaker. The Tattler is not needed! I beg to differ. The Tattler is very needed. And no I don't kiss ass and this is not a kiss ass move. Those in power and those who benefit from the power or benefit from those in power do not want a group of people dissenting and protesting their power or their position. And then you have those who are successfully brainwashed into believing that everything is fine and because their families aren't affected adversely economically, or in any other way, what happens in the community-at-large around them is of no concern to them. Why would they Rock the Boat. We know that is Trump goes unchecked things get much worse. We know that if police brutality goes unchecked there are going to be more and more murders by murderous cops. If corruption in the school system goes unchecked then not only does the school system at large suffer, but our children do as well. The Tattler is needed. We've got enough Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and other idiots and idiots philosophy and points of view from so-called conservative right. No I'm all for having a police watch, School watch school superintendent watch. I'm for watching all of them. I know for a fact that dr. Rubio attempted to cover up evidence in this situation with me and the old principal and I know for a fact that I was harassed by the police behind it. I know for a fact Rubio is behind that so those of you who say that the Tattler is not needed are nothing but agents, willingly or not knowingly or not, of this corrupt system. The beneficiaries of this corrupt system and not only will you refuse too point out corruption even though you know it's there you will opposed those of us who do point out that corruption making statements very similar to this one, the Tattler isn't needed

  5. I'm sure the superintendent intended well. But, you see, test scores are like playing with a ball: they go up, they go down, and surely they'll go up again. Balls are fun; see them bouncing by the shiny new building. Surely the numbers which contradict the superintenden's statements are fake news.

    1. Sure, test scores go up and down and so your ball analogy is a good most school districts. Here at Emery since Superintendent Rubio took charge, it's less like someone playing with a ball and more like a hacky sack. Like a ball it goes down but then instead of bouncing, it just goes thump. And that's where it stays; on the ground.

    2. This superintendent worked very hard to cover up a crime committed by last year's principal. Principal Lang brought in a friend from outside the school in an effort to intimidate and or attack me in the lobby of eccl. When I filed complaints against her, the vice principal, and dr. Rubio, I was then harassed by the police in traffic stops, one of them right in front of my own residence, and sent a threatening text message telling me to move out of Emeryville. Dr. Rubio tried to cover up evidence by denying the existence of video showing this incident. This is in an email to me. We went back and forth via email several times over a course of a few weeks to a couple of months and eventually dr. Rubio forgot his lie and acknowledged the existence of this video when he corrected me and telling me that the man in the video is principal Lang's friend and not her husband so you see dr. Rubio does not mean well at all. I know this for a fact and apparently and true too American bigotry, I was banned from the school 4 filing these complaints after my reaction to being possibly attacked in my son's school buy an associate of the principal who did not work at the school. I am one of many black parents who have been banned from the school and guess what? Only black parents have been banned from the school Under dr. Rubio. Again dr. Rubio does not mean well. He is a liar, a thug, and a very corrupt individual. Fecal matter rolls down hill and as long as we have that at the top we will all be crapped on at the bottom.

  6. I was present at the last board meeting. Advice was given to me some months back. That advice was that I should go down to the board meeting and lay everything on the line. Put all the cards on the table, as it were. So after months and months and a summer break I've decided to attend one of these meetings and look Rubio directly in his eyes and tell him directly to his face that I know personally that he is a corrupt lying individual. I stood at the podium and recounted my experience with the former principal Lang. I recounted that experience where she had her husband, according to the man who identified himself as her husband, lay in wait for me in the lobby of our school which was full of students and their parents, and attempt to assault me. I told mr. Rubio that I am fully aware of the false reports that he and principal Lang made to the Emeryville police. I am fully aware that the police department and the school district are just two appendages of a larger blood-sucking creature. I told the board, the others in attendance and mr. Rubio that I have in my possession emails that proved that he withheld evidence, attempted to suppress evidence, and lied about evidence as well as falsifying reports to the police. I told him that he is a corrupt individual and that he and at least 98% of this board must go. Mr. Rubio didn't move to defend himself but instead indicated to me that his door is always open. I told mr. Rubio that he couldn't be trusted in a room full of people much less a room where there would be only he and I. Mr. Rubio. The most ethical thing you can do right now is to stand down and remove yourself from this post. You are a very dangerous individual. This is to the parents who were aware of this incident with Miss Lang because I told you. This is to those parents who I told who turned their backs on me at that point, a few of you only to turn around and Tuck yourselves under the wing of principle Lang. You see, the problem isn't simply with Administration. Primarily mr. Rubio. We all know s*** runs downhill. The problem also lies with a parent's body who seem to be unwilling to stand up for itself. I speak primarily of the parents of children from the community and primarily, or specifically speaking, families from the lower income bracket. You see that these people, these politicians are only concerned with stroking their own egos and listening to their own voices and the decisions that they make are decisions that only further their own selfish and corrupt agendas. We cannot stand idly by and allow these parasites two destroy any chance our children have of developing a strong sense of community, of feeling that they and their parents are seen as members of this community and not just a problem that has to be priced out. I know how it is or what it means to be stepped on and unheard. I understand the immense stress and strain that cause pressure to burst pipes. But I would like those parents, those of you who are absolutely pissed off at Rubio and his absolute disregard for the safety and education of our children, his dishonesty, his absolute thorough corruption, to begin attending these meetings with myself and the other two parents that were present.

  7. I have a question: How does a school superintendent embroiled in so much corruption and controversy run a school and provide the proper leadership, hire decent and qualified teachers and, of course, school principals,not to mention a safe space for our children while on school grounds?
    The answer is that such a school superintendent CANNOT.

    I know this from personal experience. But hey. Who am I? Just a black parent of a 4th grader at ECCL. One of the, apparently, MANY black parents you've had banned from the school. Only black parents. You banned me after your principal Lang brought, who according to YOU was her "freind" to the school to jump/harass/ intimidate me in the lobby and I filed complaints on her, the vice principal and you.

    You lied to me via several emails about evidence, claiming video of the incident didn't exist and that you didn't see it.

    You eventually tripped up and,via email to me acknowledged the existence of this video when you corrected me stating that the man I the video isn't Langs husband as I had been led to believe, but that he was her freind.

    I believe that you intentionally "failed" to report allegations of sexual assault with the SAME "could give less than a damned" regard you gave my family when you made criminal moves that threatened me and my family's livelihood.

  8. I move to have Dr. Dre replace "Dr" Rubio. At least Dr Dre was HONEST about being a gangster.

  9. Oh! And one more thing. Anonymous. I think you're referring to specifically my contacting the District vet principal Lang now works as a principal in. Let me summarize for you. My son's coat came up missing and for a week you're principal and vice principal did nothing. Fact I got the jacket back with the help of a teacher who has been let go since then who took the jacket from the child with no problem and Miss Lang filed a false police report stating that not only I threatened her but that I basically robbed this child. When her false police report did not work I received police harassment in the form of being stopped 3 times once in front of my house for absolutely nothing while sitting still. Fact I received a text message connected to this mentioning my son's name and his school telling me to move out of Emeryville. Fact I was banned from eccl as a result of principal Lang's actions. Fact dr. Rubio lied about police evidence along with the police stating that he did not see any video and has not seen the man that I am referring to. He stayed at this to me via email and he'll to that until one day he slipped up in another email to tell me that I was wrong about the man in the video. That this man isn't principal Lange's husband but her friend. Dr. Rubio forgot that he tried to hide this evidence and then later told me that it exists. These are facts. Read them again. Now I suffered a brain injury the day before this gentleman approached me at the school and if anything that happened I was in a very very vulnerable position and would have done just about anything to protect myself. Principal Lang's actions place not only other parents and School staff in danger since it was a school day first thing in the morning, she placed children in danger by doing so. Now there are those of you who are upset with my way of handling principal wine but let me ask you this.. If this was you weren't trying to kiss and instead you heard about this woman on the news and you didn't know her what would you think. If you were me what would you do? That woman put several people in danger in that Lobby and had no regard for my safety my family, my son's safety or sanity when she did what she did. So now she's a principal at another school after having done what she did to me. And as I have learned she's done this several times to other parents. That is, brought this individual into the school to confront people. So no! This woman should not be in charge of children not even her own

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Note to Readers: I deleted the anonymous comment above because it contained a personal attack against Mr Jackson. Anonymous readers are encouraged to comment about anything but please refrain from ad hominem attacks against other readers who have signed their names.

  11. Gainfully employed or not. You're a coward. The only falsehoods here exist in the Emeryville "Unified" School District" they exist in the board. A huge falsehood sits uselessly I the superintendent seat.

    You, "Anonymous", are just another falsehood. In place to stir up a smokescreen for the failures and in some cases, criminal actions of "Dr" Rubio,Diane Lang, Labbass, and I'm whomever ELSE is involved and actively engaged I actions, such as yourself, to PROTECT individuals who may even be employing YOU, anonymous.

    You can cry foul all you want. Attempt to goad me into some shit- slinging fest in an effort to discredit me.

    I'll tell you what so that at least a couple of you lap dogs will lay your asses down, I will post two emails. They will be correspondences between dr. Rubio in die. One email will be dr. Rubio lying about evidence. The other email will be about him admitting the existence of this same evidence that didn't exist. In other words, I have evidence in the form of emails that are in the possession of other individuals where in your beloved dr. Rubio lies about police evidence. Here's a little rabbit run. I drive for Uber so I'm not unemployed. Whether or not you respect that means of making a living or whether or not you respect me makes no difference to me. I don't believe in ghosts and you Anonymous are a ghost.

    The evidence I have a side, there are far too many other examples of this District absolute negligence and in some cases, quite possibly criminal actions involving our students and parents. We have lots of gainfully employed ass-kissers out there.

  12. Are attacks against people, parents and district employees allowed when people identify themselves? Why are these false statements about people acceptable as I have read above? They are quite inflammatory, offensive and flat out untrue?

    1. Attacks against people, parents and district employees are allowed here in the comments section whether they are signed or anonymous. Personal attacks are another matter and they generally are not allowed and will be deleted. This is not hard and fast so sometimes I'll let little transgressions slide. What I mean by 'personal attack' is if the fire is directed at a person is unrelated to public policy. So for instance you can say so and so has dumb ideas but not that he's dumb. You shouldn't call someone a liar generally (except for politicians) but you can say they lied. I don't censor regarding the veracity of claims so the commenters can claim anything is true

    2. We all know that Anonymous is really Rubio. Because no one else would try so goddamn hard to defend such indefendible insanity but the guilty party. The gig is up anonymous Rubio.

  13. It was either this past Thursday or this past Friday, but I had just arrived at the school with my son and found myself in a short very general BS conversation with another parent whom I began to distrust after sharing with he and a few other parents my experience with the principal last year. If someone told me that another child has been sexually assaulted and the superintendent failed, intentionally to notify the police or that a principal at the school my son attends brought a relative or friend in to attack or intimidate another parent I would be deeply concerned about the school district that my child is in but as we will know there is a deeply rooted ideal that many people have been living by for too long and that is the, as long as it's not me, this father, is someone who I've had interactions with over the past several years. My family has sat down with his family across the table in chit chatted with barbecue and all the general pleasantries that go along with gatherings. Again I find myself having spent time with yet another parent over a period of time only to find out that this parent is not the type of parent I would want as a community partner. In reference to the incident with the principal last year at eccl, this parent said, and I quote, as long as it's not my child I don't care. I thanked this gentleman for identifying himself and invited him to kick rocks. This is the sort of mentality that in part helps to Foster the sort of corrupt leadership, if it can be called that, that we currently have at eccl. I am deeply concerned that two children have been sexually assaulted and that the superintendent has not reported it and denies it to this day. It concerns me because if something were to happen to my child, or your child then this is absolute evidence that Justice is something that we will not see. It is something that our children will not see. As long as we have politicians seated in our Educational Systems and on the boards, as long as we have board members seated who have no children in any District mirror school we will have a problem. As long as we have the attitude that, as long as it's not mine I don't care, we will always have a problem. My intention is not to stir up controversy. That would probably have been my pattern the entire time I've been in this community at this school. But that is not the case. There is a faction within the emery School District that wants to silence me and others who find themselves being abused by the Emeryville School District there are sympathizers who for whatever reason, will inject their own rhetoric for no other purpose but to redirect the attention. For no other purpose but to deflect the blame from where it rightfully belongs. Squarely on the head of John Rubio

  14. I'd like to further state that what I am doing here is not attacking anyone. Neither my intention nor my aim is to attack any individual. Parent or staff member. Historically speaking it has been a political propagandist tactic to turn the tables and it is very common for a system to use agents in order to spread disinformation and to even villainize those who dare to complain about their mistreatment. For example, people of color in this country are speaking out like never before against bigotry racism and general idiocy that perpetuates racism and oppression. Now we are identity extremists because we opposed those who mistreat those who are powerless.

    I spread no falsehoods here and I am checking into the legality of releasing emails to the public when they are correspondences between parents and School administration. My guess is that it'll be okay and once I've confirmed that I would love to copy and paste a couple of emails that were sent between dr. Rubio and I.

    I stood before the board, face to face with Rubio and the board and said to his face everything that I've said in these posts and you know what? Rubio did not move to defend himself publicly. I publicly stated that I have proof in the form of emails that he lied and he did not defend himself. He did not deny anything that I said. It isn't as if I have come out of the blue with an allegation against this man and his staff that is unexplainable. I am simply one parent among far too many who have found ourselves and our children frighteningly unsupported in this District.

    If my son has been sexually assaulted and I have found that dr. Rubio not only knew about it but intentionally failed to report an abusive act against my child by another student or adult there would be hell to pay.

    I want for your child the same as I want for my child. For those of you out there who have that mentality, as long as it's not mine, know that one day it may be yours and that when that day comes who you going to turn to for support? Dr. Rubio?
