Wednesday, January 24, 2018

RULE Meeting: School Board

Residents United for a Livable Emeryville

School Board Candidate Discussion

Hello Friends and Neighbors!
Please join us Saturday, Jan. 27 for the next meeting of RULE.  Share a late breakfast and coffee, meet your progressive neighbors, and speak your mind!

This month's meeting will focus on the Emeryville School Board election in November and how we can recruit qualified, knowledgeable candidates - vital to improving the quality of education the district provides.
We would love to hear from all members of the community, but particularly parents and teachers. What insights can you share?  Are you interested in running?  Do you know someone who is?  Maybe you have suggestions about how to recruit good candidates.  There will be three seats (out of five) open this election. 
Please spread the word. All are welcome! 
If there are other (or related) issues you want to discuss, please call the host and we will add it to the agenda.

Hope to see you there!

Doyle Street Co-Housing
5514 Doyle Street (common room, 1st floor)

Saturday January 27th at 10:00 am

Lillian Schroth host 
(510) 205-5850

To make your town a more livable place!


  1. Replies
    1. Good point! Our wonderful President wouldn't approve of a group like RULE: community members meeting to discuss how to improve their town. That's beyond the pale! Shithole indeed! Shithole bigly.

  2. I would like to give a history of why this group of residents first came together. It was to make sure that all residents were supported and considered when policy was made. For far too many years, the city council gave everything away to developers without benefits or input from the residents. Input given was always ignored and often treated with great contempt. At one time, Emeryville residents held the highest per capita debt through the redevelopment agency. If the person writing the comment about the group would like to meet with other residents and understand the work of the group, it would benefit him or her and may have already done so. The residents group has done a lot of good for other residents since 2008, and could do more if more residents joined in and became working members. This group is about supporting all families and all who live in the city, whether they are rich or poor, young or old, housed or not.
