Thursday, March 15, 2018

RULE Meeting Called

Residents United for a Livable Emeryville

Hello Friends and Neighbors!
Please join us Saturday, March 17 for the next meeting of RULE. Share a late breakfast and coffee, meet your progressive neighbors, and speak your mind! 
Tentative agenda items include:
  • The School Board and City Council elections coming up in November 
  • Plans for a new Emeryville Art Center 
  • Efforts by some California tenants' advocates to strengthen rent control regulations amidst the current affordable housing crisis.  
10 AM to 12 PM  Doyle Street Co-housing 5514 Doyle Street (Common Room, first floor) 

Please spread the word. All are welcome! 
Hope to see you there!
Doyle Street Co-housing
Common room is through the trellis and
behind the stairs.

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