Sunday, April 15, 2018

School Board Calls Meeting About How to Select New Superintendent

The Emery School Board is announcing they will allow the public to weigh in on if the public should be allowed to help select the next School Superintendent by actually meeting the prospective candidates, one of whom will replace the vacating John Rubio.  The Board gave the minimum Brown Act dictated notice for the meeting to take place tomorrow evening.
If it is decided to not allow an advisory committee help in the search, then the current School Board will decide themselves.
This School Board has stood by Mr Rubio and renegotiated his contract and it could be fairly surmised anyone selected by them could have similar qualities as Mr Rubio.  Superintendent Rubio has been at the helm for four years during which time the District has faced a dramatic downturn in teacher retention and academic ranking and teachers en masse testified as to Mr Rubio's incompetence during his rancorous tenure.

If an advisory committee is not allowed, the community will not be permitted to meet the prospective candidates for Superintendent.

Special School Board Meeting:
Monday April 16th
6:00 pm
K-8 School Multi-Purpose Room
1125 53rd Street


  1. The school board absolutely must not be allowed to take part in the choosing of the new superintendent. I intend to be present tomorrow evening to share my feelings.

    1. The School Board will take part...the question is will the public also be allowed to take part? Or will it be a 100% Board decision?

  2. Monday April 6th

    Please check the date.
    But I understand the date should be Monday April 16 .

    1. Yes...thank you very much. I left out the 1 in 16!
      The date of the meeting is the!
      Again thanks for catching my mistake.

  3. I just left the board meeting and not surprisingly not many parents or really any parents and all their. The usual. A couple of teachers,Mr. Waugh, the the only one I knew and liked. There was the one Board member, Miss Collins, who for some reason thought she deserved more respect than Rubio. I don't know who the hell you are Miss Collins and I really don't care because if you've been there for several years then you've been there through all the bullshit that I myself and a thousand other parents have gone through dealing with this current Administration. You blew it with me, Collins, when you got up and stood up to pledge allegiance to a flag that doesn't give a fuck about you so I know you're full of shit and fake

  4. It just gets better and better. I go to a board meeting tonight and get threatened by an alumni / wannabe gangster chic who threatened right there in the board meeting to give a call to her homies to have them meet me. So get this. I could give less than a fuck about what you heard what you think you heard and what you fucking think you know. That goes to anybody sitting on that board that has less than desirable feelings toward me. The conduct of the board tonight is exactly why I want this board along with mr. Rubio removed. You have no control, and your impulsiveness is indicative of your inability to be in the positions that you are currently filling

  5. I was told that the board voted, though not unanimously, to have an Advisory Board. Thank you. But like to speak to Collins, Vargas, Rubio, Lisa, and anyone else at that board meeting who heard a young lady threatened to get her home boys down to the school to apparently rough me up. I am sick and God damn tired of having some stupid ass mother fucker lob threats at me because that's the only fucking thing they have to LOB. Those of you on the board who sat and heard what was said by this young lady and did not act. I'm not surprised because you are truly pieces of shit. Miss inch being the only one that is exempt which means you too, Collins in my opinion, are worthless. And if you'll stand for flag and pledge allegiance to something that doesn't give a damn about you, I say again that you are a sell-out and not to be trusted

    1. Actually, the vote was unanimous. At first reservations were expressed but when it became obvious it was going to pass, the naysayers got in line. This happens a lot. Go along to get along.

  6. I think that I got this through but I have come to this trust anybody, especially a black person, who gets up off of their ass and pledges the allegiance to a flag that could give less than a fuck about them. Miss Collins. Miss inch and Brian Donahue are more black than you. Or it would seem that way since you and the other black teacher in there where the quickest ones to get up off of your asses to pledge allegiance to a flag that is spat into our Collective faces for hundreds of years. I don't respect either one of you. Miss inch and Brian Donahue get him mentally more respect from this black man then you two black women do.

  7. I've learned and seen a lot in my life. And I know that the house negro is the first negro to speak up or speak out against the field Negroes especially in the presence of their master. So when the only other two black people jumped up to their feet before the request to say the Pledge of Allegiance was even completed I knew that I was in hostile Waters

  8. As a council member, Fricke was always against everything.

    1. I think you commented on the wrong story. But as a response I'll say Councilman Fricke was in favor of the stuff he was in favor of. That was the stuff he said he would work towards if elected. I think your recollection isn't accurate.

  9. Yes. I'm back. And I guess, Nell, with some old shit. By the way, when I say Nell Carter from gimme a Break I'm referring to miss Collins. Miss Collins. You sat your big ass up there on that panel, called me out about complaining about some old shit, just like a good house negro, looking out for your boss, but I have a question to pose to you good people on the panel. Are you prepared to take action against the young lady who threatened me with bodily harm in front of you miss Collins, in front of the other panel members? Are you prepared for the complaints against you for allowing something of this nature to take place at your board meeting?

  10. I'm not surprised by the threat of violence at the board meeting aimed at me and I'm not surprised that not one person on the board that hurt it stepped in to say anything. I am, as ice cubes song says, the nigga you love to hate. That's fine because when I arrived in the Emeryville School District I did not arrive there to win over your affections. I arrive there with the purpose of putting my son in a school which now I have to fight with his mother to get him out of. But so long as he is there at this facility I will be on and up your asses if I smell any shit and that's not hard when you're I'm in the same room with you. Nell Carter, I mean Nell Collins, you are just as fake and phony and corrupt as your boss. You can jump your big ass up there sniff Behind these white folks asses and pledge allegiance to a flag that doesn't give a damn about you all you want but I can still see through you. And if anybody's wondering why I'm going so hard on Mel Carter aka Collins, it is because she had a nice big smile on her face when she heard this woman threaten me, threaten to bring people to the school to mess me up. The next board meeting that I attend, all I want you to do Nell as feed your face. Shut up and eat. The only person on that panel that I respect is the one person that didn't jump her ass up to pledge allegiance to the flag even though that flag gives her privilege she said fuck that flag. Thank you Miss inch! You are more black than Miss Collins!

  11. My...... OBVIOUS disrespect for virtually EVERYONE on Emeryville School Board isn't due to some cognitive deficit. It isn't the ravings of a madman. And, Nell Collins, I am not "stuck in the past" as you so blurted out, followed by your child-like yelling and speaking over me during my 3 minutes. You are not owed respect because you sit on a panel. You earn respect like anyone else.
    But when I think of you I think of Kanye West and Omarosa.

    I think about the kind of black people that look down on the protesters. You are one of two black people in a room full of white people who, when your white colleague says, I don't know what's wrong with those God damn protesters! You chime in in agreement.

    I know this because you jumped your ass up to pledge allegiance to a flag that has been shitting on you, me and all black people for a long time. But I suppose that you are one of those black people who believe that since you are in the position you are in, whatever that is, things aren't as bad as all of us other black people seem to think. You screamed and yelled at me that I was living in the past during the three minutes I was supposed to have to express myself. Stockholm syndrome is real.

  12. I'd like to address another matter. It isn't as if I attend every single meeting. I admit that while my in the bility to be as present at my son's school as I once was is because I'm no longer on an Uber schedule. I'm sure that that pleases many people. Still, I can find a way to make it two more of these meetings and be more involved. But any time that I've attended a board meeting I've always been one of two parents present, sometimes the only parent present. This is largely the reason that this Administration has been able to get away with as much as they've been able to get away with. If it weren't for individuals such as Brian Donahue, Mr. Waugh, Ms. Inch, and a few other individuals in the community, there wouldn't be any opposition to this administration's obvious abuse of the system and of their positions

  13. Jackson continues to show his self hatred by disparaging black women. Who is he to be the authority on who is black, of course he states that white people are more black than those who are biologically African. Your own life choices reflect your stance of hating black women and putting white women on a pedastal. Disgusting, self hating, mindless ranting fool. Ms. Collins has been down for Emery's children for decades which is more than can be said an Uncle Tom, sellout, such as him.

  14. I heard about the post Little Miss Britney Kanye West. Little bit busy right now but I fully intend on logging back in and responding to you in full. TTFN.

  15. LOL! I finally read it. Awesomely intense literary piece. Nonetheless I just took a little time out to read it really quickly but I will soon sit down when I have a little time this evening and respond to you. Britney, I will touch on this a little later. But, the Apple definitely doesn't fall far from the tree. That's what you said that night at the bar right when you approach to me on my evening out. Well I absolutely agree with you and I'll expound on that in great detail in just a little bit.


  16. It is my understanding, Brittany, that after SEVERAL teachers came forward to accuse Rubio of employing racist practices, that and stood BY those statements, your mother, Mrs. Collins, ordered that their comments be stricken from the record. Despite far too many complaints by people of color against Rubio. SOME of them staff though not all of them white, had the same grievance.

    You ordered their comments stricken from the record. That's a fact. You silenced those people who are ACTUALLY protecting our children while protecting the very monsters putting them in danger. There are innumerable complaints against Rubio and the district. Irrefutable. Absolutely TRUE accounts. INCLUDING my account of being threatened in the lobby of ECCL by an associate, or relative, of now, thankfully EX principal Lang, because her ego for bruised.

  17. That led to a threat by someone connected to this matter with lang, via text, WHICH I STILL HAVE IN MY POSSESSION, mentioning my son. This included harassing police stops by the Emeryville Police Department. It included the Emeryville police in lying about evidence in the form of audio and video of this incident that happened in front of numerous Witnesses, claiming the evidence didn't exist. Instead focusing on me pouring my coffee out onto the ground as I exited the building that day. Much like you, your mom, the Emeryville Police Department, the school administration are doing right now by harassing me, Britney by approaching me in a place that I've been going to probably since before you could walk, and attempting to sound like an adult and pretend to be cordial while at the same time telling me that you and your mother have run a background check on me. Let me touch on that thing you said about the apple and the tree.

  18. First of all, I will refer to the fact that your mother silenced people who are trying to actually help our children while protecting the people who were hurting them and quite frankly putting them in danger. But superintendent who does everything that I stated including not reporting sexual assault is a criminal himself and those of you who support and protect him Aid and abet him in his criminal activities. You Aid and abet him in harming our children. Now I shouldn't have gone all Nell Carter on your mom. I apologize for insulting your mom in that way. I have a very valid reason for being very very angry and distrustful of this system of this District.

  19. I think that you believe that you're doing the best thing for these children but your belief, or rather your perception and view of things is very, very distorted. Your mother interrupted my three minutes to tell me that I was living in the past. Kanye's of that belief too. You made a threat against me, Britney, at the board meeting. The last board meeting I attended. And part of your trying to make nice with me was telling me that what you actually said to me was that you would have the Emeryville police chief meet me out front. Or some juvenile, ill thought out thing. Why would you have the police meet me in the front of the building? There hadn't been a crime committed. No one made any threats. No weapons were present. There were no subtle or otherwise telegraphed threats or dangers present.

  20. So, tell me! Why would you have the Emeryville police meet me after the board meeting Hurting your feelings isn't a crime. I've had to say this a few times in the past where people got their feelings hurt and figured that that was a reason for legal action, Thug in the street meet me at the bar action, or whatever it is. Maybe police harassment action. Why else would you be digging so deeply into my personal life, Britney? Your words to me the other night at the Ruby Room in downtown Detroit while you were extremely intoxicated, were, that you guys have run a background check on me, you have been to my YouTube channel, you have been to my Facebook, and to all my other social media connections. I am curious as to why you are putting so much energy into looking into me. Making threats about having the police come after me. For what? Your feelings?

  21. You made veiled threats the entire time you spoke to me at the bar, Brittany. You went from saying, my mom is not bad and I grew up in this system and I'm a product of this system, to threatening me and telling me that you don't travel alone indicating that you were there with people, telling me about the police and how you want me to meet them out front, and all of the information you gave me about you and your mom's and Rubio and I am quite sure several other staff members and law enforcement interest in such a nobody ass Uncle Tom.

  22. I'll have you know that I have not bothered with Googling you, checking into your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever other social networking sites you may be members of. The only thing I care about is my son, his safety and education, and the safety and education of all of the children at that school. I'm not living in the past. You are part of that passed trying to keep it pushing into the future. I know of quite a number of people who will not be supporting your mother in this next run for the board. Please do not threaten me again.

  23. I'm keeping careful documentation of everything that's occurring as I am sure you are. Hoping that I commit some, even minor infraction for which you can then throttle me. You like that literature? And to address your comments about my disparaging women. I don't disparage women. I've been in this district for a while now and until that incident with principal Lang you practically did not know I existed. Principal Lane placed not only myself in danger, but she placed in Jeopardy the safety of every child and parent that was in the lobby on the day that she had her cohort do what he did.

  24. Miss Lang it's no longer at that school because she abused her Authority. Not just in instances with me, but with numerous parents. The not so funny thing is that it was only parents of color that were suffering as a result of being penalized by Rubio and his puppet Administration. After this incident with principal Lang, that incident being that man approaching me in the lobby of the school, taking off articles of his clothing while positioning himself within Striking Distance of me, I was banned from the school because of how I reacted to the absolutely piece of shit you call a woman and say that I'm disparaging. People like that don't deserve respect. You earn it. I would respect you Britney. I would respect your mother also but you haven't earned it.

  25. Miss Lang it's no longer at that school because she abused her Authority. Not just in instances with me, but with numerous parents. The not so funny thing is that it was only parents of color that were suffering as a result of being penalized by Rubio and his puppet Administration. After this incident with principal Lang, that incident being that man approaching me in the lobby of the school, taking off articles of his clothing while positioning himself within Striking Distance of me, I was banned from the school because of how I reacted to the absolutely piece of shit you call a woman and say that I'm disparaging. People like that don't deserve respect. You earn it. I would respect you Britney. I would respect your mother also but you haven't earned it.


  26. Now. About that apple and that tree. You approached me at that bar and I HOPED something good would come of it, but.……then you had to boast about how much you know about me. You're a stalker! You SURELY are putting a lot of energy into….. what? Searching for some way to shame me? Definitely seeking to find a way to hurt me in some way. Why else. Are you, your mom, Rubio, Cruz Vargas and the Emeryville police without more meaningful things to do like preventing another sexual predator or otherwise nutcase, unfit principal around children. I'm going to say this because I know it needs to be said. I know from your actions so far, as you so have you admitted that you are not wrapped too tight.

  27. I have not committed a crime, I've not made any threats, and in the entire time I've been at the school district, specifically speaking since the incident with Miss Lang, you have been unsuccessful at baiting me, and probably unsuccessful at having me physically harmed thus far. Not for the lack of trying I'm sure. I am going to stay right here on the record that I feel absolutely physically unsafe because of the incidents that have occurred with the school, specifically speaking with principal Lang, Rubio, the incidents that have occurred was being stalked and harassed by the Emeryville police department and recently now that I believe I've been followed. May sound crazy.

  28. Sound crazy to you? Will you know it sounds crazy to me? You Phelps digging around in my life obviously for no other reason but to find some way to inflict harm. If you've been in my Facebook, and my YouTube channel, and you speak to people who know me, you know deep down inside that I'm no Uncle time. You can't help but see how empty that label is when you stalk me and track down everything you can find out about me. Which brings me to another thing. Yes I have been in trouble with the law. Yes I've done time. Now Condoleezza, Kanye I know that you both don't understand that black people have had it really fucked up in this country and because of people like Rubio and Trump and other people who believe in white power and the people like you too who curl up at their feet are the reasons that these things happen.

  29. Yes. But you could have gotten that information and probably more by just being a human being and sitting down and saying hey man let's get to know each other. I apologize for the comments about your mom's weight. That was out of pocket and I admit that. But I was very very upset and your mom was very very out of line and if you can't see that then the Apple as I can see so far, truly does not fall far from the tree.

  30. So.I was at that bar again and I realized that that I had several people eyeballing me. Too many people were using their phones in this little group of people. I've never seen these folks before or they don't look familiar. But I got an increasingly uneasy feeling from several people, guys looking over at me, while intermittently looking down at their phones and texting. That uneasy feeling let me know that my instincts were kicking in. I find it ironic that I run into you at a bar that I go to all the time or have gone to for several years and after you approach me and tell me that you never run alone, that you've been in my Facebook and in my Instagram and on my YouTube pages and had a background check performed on me, that there where then individuals, groups of individuals who appeared to be paying a little bit more attention to me than they should have. My instinct told me to get the hell out of that bar and so when I stood up to leave every one of these guys that had been eyeballing me including several others that I didn't notice followed me to the door. I stopped to talk to the bouncer and the guys that have been eyeballing me kept going continue to outside. My car was blocked in by a double parked vehicle with its drivers door sitting wide open and no one in it. I informed the security at the bar of what I believed to be taking place. What I believe was taking place, Brittany, was a setup. I have been threatened by this District and after complaining and pushing my complaints about the principal I received threats of physical violence, police harassment and what I got from you folks at the board meeting. It is my thought and sincere feeling that I wasn't supposed to be able to make it home from that bar last night and I am attributing this directly to Brittany and her mother Miss Collins and by extension possibly even the school district. Miss Collins. Your daughter approached me in a bar and then made several veiled threats. Threatening to call the police when there is no crime, telling me that you're stalking me, literally is frightening and what I experience last night indicates that you people have already fallen off the deep end. If anything happens to me I wanted absolutely know that I am pointing the finger at Miss Collins, her daughter Brittany who made the threats, and Emeryville School District. If anything happens to me it will have everything to do with you, the Emeryville police, Miss Collins and whatever thugs you know. I'm being absolutely serious when I say but I believe that you folks are capable of setting someone up to be killed. And if that happens to me then I am already stating right here who should be looked at. Starting with the school district, Rubio, Miss Collins, her daughter Brittany, and the Emeryville Police Department.

  31. We went from a "sexual predator principal to an egomaniacal, nut bag principal who thinks that she's Liv in that drama, "Scandal", to Ms. Collins, a woman on the school board who decided that she needed to have a "professional" breakdown and verbally attack me during the 3 minutes allotted, CLEARLY only for those kissing the asses of the board and/ or the administration, to ms. Collins daughter, brittany, inexplicably showing up at a bar I'm known to go to at times, approach me to tell mr that she and her mom have gone farther than the average Google search to look in life but she's stated that she and her mom used an emeryville police officer to "run a check".
    It is not only against department policy, but against California state law for a police officer to use that system for personal, non job related checks. So you admit collision. Not that that's become a popular word, but because that's what you, brittany, your mother, ms. Collins, and others are doing presently.
    I feel that I barely left that bar with my life, Collins, brittany.
    I know that you had those men waiting for me at the bar. I know what you attempted to do. My life was in danger last Saturday night. It would not have been, at least on THAT night had you not known where I go to relax.
    I said it. I believe you set me up to be killed brittany. And I believe your mom and others not only know, but are involved.

  32. I'm unhappy that this decision makes my son unhappy but I do not feel that it is healthy or safe up keep my son in this school, city, or "community".
    After a debate with his mom lasting FAR too long, my wanting to take him out of this district, she I believe, now understands why. This will be his last year in this district. You'll be free to go on with corruption and lies as usual without practically the most present parent in a child's education and virtuallythe onlyonce at the board meeting when I attend.

    If some parents don't attend because they recognize what an ego-stroking ORGY these meetings are, then I TOTALLY understand.

  33. To refer back to your showing up at the bar I'm known to be at, Brittany, regardless of whether or not it was a..... uh.....a.....uhhhh...! I've come to loathe this word, but, a coincidence, or just another piece of info you got while, as you so UNBELIEVABLY admitted to me at the bar you and your mom and a few others, I'm quite sure, got search public records, using the emeryville police to search more privately, info on me.
    That, you, and those men at the bar Saturday night tryingto prevent me from leaving are all connected.
