Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Breaking News- Measure C Wins

Measure C Wins With 72% of the Vote

Election Night Breaking-
Emeryville's contentious housing affordability Tuesday vote was called early this morning by the Alameda County Registrar of Voters: YES on Measure C winning 72% to 28%.  At one o'clock this morning the county reported all five precincts in, votes totaling 972 for to 386 against.  Measure C had to pass with two thirds of the total votes.
The Tattler will report more on the story later as Measure C news comes in.


  1. Why do you say it's contentious when it won so easily? Isn't the story more that Measure C has consensus?

  2. Because he thrives off of conflict and contention - that’s why he exaggerates and blows up everything he can - dramatic people like him and his sister in law love drama - i.e. - toxic people love toxicity

    1. Well Mr Anon, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. The Tattler is indeed toxic to all those in power that seek to abuse their power. We don't exaggerate but the poison pen we wield is called accountability: all elite be they governmental, business or their sycophants are liable- none will get a pass from the Tattler. We’re toxic to them all and we shine a powerful light into any dark recesses we find they may wish to remain hidden. Ask any elite in Emeryville, “Do you like the Tattler or would you rather it go away?”…if you can catch them in an unguarded moment and they think their answer will not be made public, they’ll all say the same thing; they all wish the Tattler would go away. That's an indication of how toxic we are to them.

      BTW, we used the word 'contentious' out of deference to those minority Emeryville residents who voted against Measure C.
      Thanks for your comment.
