Saturday, August 18, 2018

Candidates Statements for Emery School Board

Five school board candidates are running in November for three seats making for an historically rare strongly contested Emery Unified School Board of Trustees election, despite their anodyne candidate's statements (presented below).  Although some candidates filed statements with the Alameda County Registrar of Voters for the soon to be printed official Voter's Guide, some did not, presumably owing to the $800 printing fee.  With an eye towards expanding the franchise and informing voters, the Tattler here presents each candidate a chance to present a statement for your consideration.  

Unlike another blog in town, who in presenting the school board statements, held some candidates to a word count standard while relaxing it for others and allowed the embellishment of at least one candidate's statement with a CV, here each candidate is held to the Alameda County standards.  Only up to 200 words are permitted and no other information about candidates are allowed excepting their designation and any website associated with the candidate's election campaign.  Additionally, the Tattler commits to spelling each candidate's names correctly.  
The name order was selected randomly. 

Please note- We could not get ahold of candidate Katy Brown.  She did not file a statement with Alameda County, and apparently does not have a website and so her statement (less than 200 words) is here re-printed from the E'Ville Eye blog, the editor of which presumably she has connection with.  As such the Tattler is not responsible for any possible inaccuracies or problems with this statement and it is posted here only insofar as it can help increase the franchise through voter awareness. 

Brynnda Collins
Emery School Board (Appointed member)
As the current Emery Unified School District School Board President I find myself answering a call for continued change in our district. Appointed to the position of School Board Trustee in 2017, in just a few short months, I have been elected Vice President and now hold the seat of the Presidency.  Currently, I am developing a strong communications structure between staff and community to inform and engage both internal and external stakeholders. My character and leadership – both, courageous and strong has insured a positive impact on the Emery Unified School District family and will continue to do so.

As a proud Emery USD parent of an alumni and past employee, I served as PTO President, School Site Council Chairperson, Youth Development Coordinator, College Career Coach, member on the Instructional Leadership Team, and in the redesign efforts that have built the Center for Community Life. 

Under the direction of new leadership, I am left enthusiastic about continuing to serve. With a strong vision and high expectations for student achievement, quality instruction and teacher retention, I am asking for your support by casting your vote for me to retain my seat on the board.

Susan Donaldson
Mother/Business Owner
I am an Emeryville home owner and parent of an Anna Yates student about to enter 5th grade. She has been at Anna Yates since kindergarten and was at ECDC before that – raised in and by Emeryville! I have been the Vice President and most recently the Secretary of the Anna Yates Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) for the past 3 years. I have been an advocate for the teachers and students of Emery Unified over the last 6 years – attending board meetings, meeting with administration, volunteering and fundraising in and out of the classroom.

I have served as a board member on the nonprofit Bay Area Girls Rock Camp for the past 6 years and work with communities and stakeholders to develop programs that empower youth through music. I also have my MBA in Sustainable Business and run an event rental and workshop company.

I would be honored to serve on the Emery School Board to continue to support and fight for the public education all our students deserve.

Sarah Nguyen
As a teacher and a mom, I feel a deep sense of concern and responsibility for children. For the past 23 years, I’ve supported student success one classroom at a time. Now I am ready to work towards students and families in our community having access to engaging, equitable, and socially just experiences at Emery Unified.

I have more than two decades of experience partnering with families, caregivers, teachers, school staff, and community-based organizations towards our common goal of increasing positive student outcomes. Lasting educational change requires the knowledge, experience, and effort that I can contribute as a member of the school board.

I believe every child can succeed and every family should feel welcome and included in Emery schools. That is why I have been endorsed by Emeryville Mayor Bauters, Vice Mayor Medina, Council Members Martinez and Patz, and Emery School Board Member Inch. Please vote for Sarah Nguyen for Emery Unified School Board. Strong schools create strong communities!

Katy Brown
Parent/Tax Accountant
We have lived in Emeryville since before my daughter started Kindergarten, and she attended Anna Yates for K-4. Given some frustrations we had, we explored every non-private school option for Emeryville residents, and none were workable. We’re returning to Anna Yates this year, and I would like to make it the first-choice for all Emeryville families instead of the only option.

I believe public schools can provide our kids with a safe, high quality education that will prepare them for success after graduation, but we need to focus on hiring and retaining great teachers and providing the resources they need to teach our kids effectively. I believe my professional experience can help with fiscal management and decision making, and as a parent, I’m dedicated to making our school the best it can be.

Ken Bukowski
Former Emeryville City Councilman/Videographer
I have demonstrated a long commitment to the kids of Emeryville including helping approve the Emeryville Child Development Center during my time on Council. Two of my nephews attended Emery High, one of whom I had custody of at the time. I was heavily involved with the ECCL project and want to help carry out the vision the community had for it.

This District is lacking the transparency it needs on school issues. When I was on Council, I successfully pushed the city to video record school board. For years, I personally posted these meetings on YouTube to make them available to the public. This district needs to have open and live discussions about the school issues. The practice has been to keep the problems quiet. I don't agree with that approach. If we are not aware of the problems, we can't work together to solve them.

I think it’s very important for the district to accomplish teacher housing on one of the school owned properties that could help improve teacher retention.

I think Emeryville has a unique opportunity to bring this community together which could be a real benefit for our schools.


  1. I checked it and it's true: the "other blog in town" misspelled Susan Donaldson's name and gave extra perks to Katy Brown. Not sure about anything else. First and second rule of journalism broken over there.

  2. Thanks for printing my statement! You can reach me at any time. My candidate statement included my educational background because the prompt said, "My education and qualifications are:," so I thought I should list my education. You'll see it on the ballot, as well. I'm still working on my website.

    I'm looking forward to doing what I can to improve some things that were disappointments about the school for the first five years we went there. I definitely hope to hear what other stakeholders think in terms of what's going well and what could be improved at the school, too.
