Monday, September 10, 2018

RULE Hosts School Board Candidates Audience

Rule announces a School Board candidates forum open to the public:

Residents United for a Livable Emeryville

HOST: RULE  510-205-5850
WHEN: Saturday, September 29 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
WHERE: Doyle Street Co-housing, 5514 Doyle Street (Common Room, 1st floor) Emeryville, CA 94608

Hello Friends and Neighbors!

Please join us 10 am Saturday, Sept. 29 and meet candidates running for the Emeryville Unified School Board. All five candidates (running for three seats) will make presentations and take questions from the community. This is your opportunity to meet the candidates and share your concerns. This is a particularly important election, as our school district struggles to increase enrollment and test scores, and retain and support good teachers. Please join us, and spread the word! All are welcome!

Each candidate will be allotted 20 minutes. The candidates and their time slots are listed below.

Susan Donaldson          10 am

Katy Brown                    10:30 am

Brynnda Collins             11 am

Ken Bukowski                11:30 am

Sarah Nguyen                12 pm

Hope to see you there!

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