Sunday, October 28, 2018

Emery Teachers' Slipshod Election Offering

Late October Election Chicanery?

Mistake Riddled Door Hanger Appears, Attributed to Emery Teachers

A mysterious 'door hanger' flyer has been appearing on Emeryville doors all over town lately that announces a slate of two candidates endorsed by the Emery Teachers Association union for Emery School Board, but surprisingly the text of the hanger, reported to be written by Emery teachers, contains numerous typos and punctuation mistakes including a misspell of the union's own name.  The mistake riddled flyer, which was not printed in a union shop, a surprising thing for a union to put its name on, was authored by the Emery Teachers Association (ETA) according to the president of the School Board Brynnda Collins.  The president of the ETA however refused to confirm or deny the group wrote the text of the flyer leaving the true authorship open to speculation.

The flyer, urging voters to cast their ballots for the slate Ms Collins and Katy Brown, makes reference to funding from Emeryville Families, a group reported to be registered through the Fair Political Practices Commission. However a check with the FPPC showed there is no record of any such group. 
Adding to the furtive nature of the door hanger is its failure to identify other endorsers, listing only "current and former board members",  incidentally the exact verbiage used by current Board member Cruz Vargas in his election campaign two years ago.  Mr Vargas, who was censured and stripped of the title President of the Board by a unanimous vote of his colleagues earlier in the year (including by Ms Collins), is endorsing the two candidates.

Emeryville, being overwhelmingly Democratic, normally draws Democrats to elected office (even though the positions are non-partisan) making Ms Brown, not affiliated with any political party, unusual.   Further, the Democratic Party of Alameda County has endorsed Ms Collins, a Democrat (as well as her opponents Democrats Susan Donaldson  and Sarah Nguyen) making the slate of Collins and Brown unexpected; a Democrat slating with a candidate rejected by the Democratic Party.
Another door hanger currently making the rounds in Emeryville, produced by the Democratic Party of Alameda County, features the Party's endorsement of Ms Collins, Ms Donaldson and Ms Nguyen.

The mysterious door hanger, if it is authored by the Emery Teachers Association is quite remarkable; at least ten errors were noted in its text and such mistakes are not something normally attributed with school teachers.  It appears to be a late October piece of election chicanery, something voters have come to expect in our current polity.
Is it the Teacher's association or the Teachers Association?
Apparently, the teachers themselves can't decide.
But still, you'd think they'd get their own name right.


  1. No mystery here, this was obviously written by Vargas. You can stop with the caginess.

  2. It seems like you see the democrat Collins seeking out a running mate from the other side as bad. That's what we need more of frankly. Democrats and republicans, blacks and whites seeing each other as equals. A democrat willing to reach across the aisle is a good thing. We should support that.

    1. I can't tell if this comment is serious or not. It seems too stupid to be real.
