Monday, February 25, 2019

Emeryville's Progressive Minimum Wage Ordinance Draws Praise

Much has been written about Emeryville's 2015 highest-in-the-nation minimum wage ordinance and how its implementation has helped improve the lives of low wage workers economically at risk in our community.  Grinding poverty has been associated with poor physical health and it has been assumed Emeryville's ordinance would help in that regard.  To assist, New York Times writer Matthew Desmond documents how Emeryville's landmark 'living wage' law improves the physical health of the lowest wage workers in our town.  As part of the Time's 'Future of Work' series entitled Dollars On the Margins, Mr Desmond depicts regions of low minimum wage as loci of suffering and deteriorating health.  The author however singles out Emeryville as a place where workers can lead healthy lives in dignity.  It's high praise for our town in the national edition of the New York Times Sunday magazine section and it can be read HERE.


  1. This article is a feather in our cap, with a touching summary of the benefits: "A $15 minimum wage is an antidepressant. It is a sleep aid. A diet. A stress reliever. It is a contraceptive, preventing teenage pregnancy. It prevents premature death. It shields children from neglect."

  2. Article hides from us who have used up our monthly NYT ten, but I can imagine the gist of it.

    1. Are you aware you get ten free articles per month on each device you have? That means ten each for your desktop, cell phone and laptop. Presuming you have all those, you get 30 free per month.

  3. The evil eye isn't posting this minimum wage story. I wonder why.
